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674 具包容性的華人社區組織

Chinese community organisations need to be accommodating

農曆新年是否中國新年, 竟然在最近引來網絡的熱議。

中國近年來高舉民族主義, 連最近大英博物館使用社交平台推廣韓國文化組織贊助韓國新年活動,也成為中國網民口誅筆伐悍衛主權的問題,引起有華人要求把農曆新年看成為中國新年的行動。

農曆是明末清初德國天主教神父湯若望, 以太陽為中心說法, 結合中國曆法所創, 不算是中國人發明, 但廣為受中華文化影響的國家如日本、朝鮮、越南等國家使用。農曆新年也因此成為了這些國家的主要慶祝節日, 各自有不同的特色。這其實是多元文化的一個很好的例子, 不同的慶祝方式背後, 有共同的根源。強要把農曆新年變成中國新年, 卻又不知農曆是西學中用的經典例子, 充份顯示了民族主義者的無知和橫蠻, 是今天講求全球化與合作的最大障礙。

在澳洲這個多元文化國家, 我們學會與來自不同文化背景、說不同語言、根源於不同國家的移民共同生活, 建構屬於我們的澳洲。在這裏強調民族主義, 而不接納文化差異及推動文化融合,無疑是把我們放在一個困難的處境。

華裔是澳洲最大的族群, 也是最多元的族裔, 應該在建構多元文化澳洲扮演著重要角色。

我們可以從建立來自不同地區華人之間的合作, 顯示出我們之間的共同點。華人社區組織如同鄉會及商會等, 常以我們的原居地來區分, 強調只與我們相同背景的移民合作和彼此照顧, 這些都未曾帶出團結來自不同地區華人, 融入澳洲的目標。在狹隘的民族主義興起下, 是時候我們一起探索,如何求同存異,讓多元的華人社區,可以有更多的合作,貢獻多元文化澳洲的發展。

最近有不少香港人的組織成立, 是因為香港近年來政治環境改變, 令到新移民數目增加, 多了一些香港背景的組織是很自然的事。不過長期存在於澳洲的社團, 必然會轉為關心本地生活及主體社會為目標, 才能繼續發展, 相信也是這些組織要思考的問題。

周偉文, 社長

Chinese community organisations need to be accommodating

Is Lunar New Year same as Chinese New Year unexpectedly became a recent heated debate on the internet.

  Nationalism has been on the rise in China these years. As the British Museum used social media to promote Korean culture, they were under attack by Chinese viewers who claimed the sovereignty of China on Lunar New Year being Chinese New Year.

 The lunar calendar in fact was found by a German priest Adam Schall during the late Ming and early Qing dynasty by referencing the Chinese calendar with the sun’s orbits. So that was not a Chinese invention but has been widely used by associated Asian nations such as Japan, Korea and Vietnam where Lunar New Year remains as their respective celebrative occasions. This indeed illustrates multiculturalism where various cultural activities could converge. Insisting Lunar New Year must be Chinese New Year without realizing the origin just shows how ignorant and uncivilized nationalism could end up, going against the ‘globalization’ we all should be after by now.

 In Australia as a multicultural nation, we have learnt how to build our country hand in hand with people from different cultural background, languages and ethnic origins. Uphold nationalism here instead of cultural acceptance and integration has made us in a very difficult position.

 In Australia Chinese is the largest ethnic minority where within we are most diversified. This should help us in playing a role in the multiculturalism of this country.

 We can actually demonstrate the common qualities of Chinese by working together with Chinese in varieties. Many Chinese bodies however only identify themselves as specific groups of certain origin and background in offering care and services. This cannot tell we Chinese are working together with a common goal for integrating ourselves here. While restrictive nationalism is on the rise, we must reflect on how Chinese communities in variations can accommodate and cooperative for our better multicultural country.

 There has been more new organisations being formed here by Hong Kong people, naturally with their influx caused by political instability there. But for organisations to sustain functionality here must depend on their commitment to integrate with the local mainstream society.

Mr. Raymond Chow, Publisher