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679 公開及透明的政府

An open and transparent government

維州州長安德魯斯上周出訪中國6天,到了北京、江蘇及四川, 推動兩地貿易關係,行程只在出發前公佈, 並且沒有邀請記者同行, 引來公眾關注。

維州之前與中國簽訂一帶一路合作備忘錄, 後來聯邦政府於2020年立法,令外交部長有權否決各州政府與別的國家所簽訂的協議。2021年外交部長運用這法例賦予的權力, 取消了兩條與中國一帶一路有關係的協議備忘錄, 認為這些備忘錄與澳洲的外交立場, 並不一致。

維州州長訪問中國, 要與中國簽訂經濟合作協議, 當然是對維州的發展有絕對的好處, 不過簽訂的合作方案, 會否構成與聯邦政府的外交政策有衝突, 最理想是由州與聯邦政府部門之間協調。現時聯邦與州政府都由工黨執政, 相信安德魯斯州長應該較容易與聯邦外交部長取得共識。

不過, 維州到底與中國哪級政府簽訂了怎樣的協議,並不能算是甚麼秘密, 因此沒有隨行的記者, 就令人覺得有極大的神秘感。現時世界美中兩個大國之間不單止經濟關係緊張, 而且在俄羅斯入侵烏克蘭戰爭中, 澳洲政府及國民明顯地站在支持烏克蘭保衛領土的立場上。 而中國一向在這方面表現支持俄羅斯, 最近更顯得瞹眜,有可能會提供軍事支援, 這樣的情況, 也令澳洲與中國關係, 變得更不確定。

在這情況下, 澳洲國民絕對有理由要知到, 安德魯斯到底與中國建立了怎樣的經濟合作關係。安德魯斯絕對不能以這些合作為經濟合作而拒絕公開,經濟制裁正是現時包括澳洲在內的西方國家運用的手段, 逼使俄羅斯退出烏克蘭。

再過兩週, 西澳州長麥高文會率團到訪中國, 不過麥高文高調地讓記者隨行, 向澳洲人報導商談結果。相比之下, 比安德魯斯更能令澳洲人放心。

一直以來, 安德魯斯給人以強人極權管治維州的感覺, 好的時候會給人認為是具備卓越的領導力。但若運用不當, 也可能會引起人懷疑政府故意隱暪一些不願為人所知的真相。盼望在不久, 安德魯斯會主動公佈更多維州與中國的合作, 讓人釋懷。

周偉文, 社長

An open and transparent government

Victorian Premier Daniel Andrews visited Beijing, Jiangsu and Sichuan of China for six days last week for trade promotion. The trip was announced just before departure and no media reporter was invited with him, that made a public concern.

Victoria had signed a memorandum with China on the ‘One belt one road Initiative’ project. That prompted a new legislation by the Federal government in 2020 for the Foreign Minister to have the right to revoke State government’s agreement signed with another nation. In 2021 indeed this authority was exercised to cancel two of such related memorandum as they did not align with national policy.

Daniel’s visit to China must be in the interest of Victoria if on our economic cooperation, but whether it would be in conflict with national foreign policy should be worked out in conjunction with the Federal government. As governments at both levels are Labor it could not be too hard for Daniel to obtain consensus.

But which tier of Chinese government is going to sign what with Victorian government cannot be of any secret; doing it without any media coverage sounds fishy. Now not only the economic relation between US-China is tense, and on the Russia-Ukraine war our nation and people are on the side of Ukrainians in defending their territory, while China sides with Russia to the extent of military support. All these make Australia-China relation uneasy.

Hence, Australians should be well informed of the dealings between Victoria and China. Andrews should not just tell it’s all about economic cooperation with no details. Actually economic sanctions are being employed by western nations including Australia to force Russia out of Ukraine.

Two weeks later WA premier McGowan is visiting China with his delegation in high profile and full reporting on the outcome. That will make Australians feel much more comfortable.

Andrews has been known for his high hand governance with strong leadership. But if not managed well, people might feel they are being kept in the dark. Hope he will soon give his account on his dealing with China to take away our skepticism.

Mr. Raymond Chow, Publisher