同路人語 589 為香港求平安 For the sake of peace in Hong Kong 周偉文
同路人語 589 為香港求平安 For the sake of peace in Hong Kong 周偉文
這兩個星期,香港成為了世界關注的中心。特區政府因為強推修訂逃犯條例,引來港人強烈 反對,導致6月9日過百萬人上街遊行。其後6月12日警方與示威者發生衝突,警方使用過份 暴力,令到6月16日200萬港人上街,要求特首林鄭月娥下台,和政府正視警方使用暴力。事 件發展至今,已不單是香港本土政治問題,不少國家已表示要求中國國家主席習近平,在跟 著舉行的G20峰會,交代香港狀況。 Hong Kong has been under the world’s spotlight over the past two weeks. A million of people turned up in a street rally on 9/6 to protest against a proposed China extradition legislation. Excessive use of counter measure by the police to suppress street confrontation on 12/6 triggered off another two million strong street rally on 16/6 demanding police investigation and resignation of CE Carrie Lam. For now it’s not just a local issue of Hong Kong as even President Xi Jinping was expected to address the issue in the upcoming G20 summit. 英國作為中英聯合聲明訂定的「一國兩制」回歸方案的締約國,梅首相表示極度關注。美國 總統特朗普對過百萬港人上街和平示威,表示了肯定。移居世界各地港人,也舉辦了聲援香 港的集氣大會,全球超過40個城巿舉行了示威。澳洲多個城巿在上週日,收集了超1萬2千個 簽名,提交給莫里森總理,盼望澳洲能為港人發聲。 PM May of UK (tied with the Anglo Chinese Joint Declaration on Hong Kong’s ‘one country two systems’) was concerned about the rally; President Trump of US talked about it. Immigrants from Hong Kong and approximately 40 cities around the world were backing it up in action. Over 12,000 petition signatures were gathered from several capital cities of Australia asking PM Morrison to show his support. 令全世界人感到驚訝及欣賞的,是參加遊行示威的百萬群眾,展示的秩序及和平的態度。在 有緊急事故時,群眾能協助救援服務。在示威者與警方出現緊張場面時,不少基督徒以唱聖 詩宣告神在掌管世界,為紓緩了不少群眾與警察的情緒。有人提議給港人提名諾貝爾和平獎 ,我覺得是很有意思的事。能堅持以和平、理性、及非暴力的方式,向執政者表達意見,並 且能長期堅持,是無權者能力的彰顯。 The world was amazed by the orderly and peaceful way demonstrated by the millions of protestors. The crowd could assist in cases of emergency rescue; Christians among them sang hymns to ease off tension with the police. There is a meaningful suggestion that Hong Kong people should be nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize. The grassroot’s power comes with their persistence in expressing their stance through peaceful, rational and non-violent means. 我想起了印度聖雄甘地,他提出的不合作運動,堅持以和平的方式,犠牲自己的權共益,來 爭取自由、民主及獨立,締造了印度成為全球最大的民主政體。我亦想起了無數的基督徒, 堅持學效耶穌以和平及自我犠牲的精神,來面對羅馬帝國無理的逼害,最後使基督信仰成為 改變了世界的歷史。 I remember mahatma Gandhi’s persistent and peaceful ways in fighting for freedom and independence in his country, thus achieving the greatest ever democratic structure in the world. I recall many Christians also modelled on Jesus’s sacrifice and peace in counteracting the Roman Empire, thus rewriting the world’s history with Christianity. 我們無法知道香港的政治形勢會如何變化,不過可以肯定的,我們會為香港這座700多萬人 的城巿求平安,更求那掌管萬有及歷史的神,守望著我們中間不少人的家鄉。我深信那公義 的神,更必在這城巿,顯出祂的大能及公義。 I cannot tell what will happen in Hong Kong political situation but I am sure for the sake of the
safety of this city of 700-million, our all mighty God will take good care of them and his righteousness will be upheld in Hong Kong.