同路人語 579 作好山火逃生準備 周偉文
同路人語 579 作好山火逃生準備 周偉文
Get prepared for bush fire evacuation Raymond Chow
Australia id under recent heat wave attack. Many capital cities got over 40 degrees and Port Augusta in SA hit 49.5 degree. Bush fire is not uncommon under extreme heat. 7th of February ten years ago a record-breaking Black Saturday bush fire happened in Victoria. A beautiful country town Marysville was turned into rubbles, hectares of bushy land and thousands of dwelling were burnt out, resulting in a total of 173 deaths.
Bush fire is something new to most immigrants from other major Asian cities. But during the hot season December to February each year many of them also go into the country for holidays. We feel they need the basic knowledge of bush fire, how to prevent it, be alert of it and more important how to evacuate in case of a outbreak. They used to under estimate the risk due to a lack of local understanding.
The federal government approved grant last year to educate the public about the categories of bush fire but unfortunately all in English meaning some new immigrants could not understand. Actually this category of Chinese immigrants without local exposure belongs to the high risk group.
Sameway takes this ‘Black Saturday 10th Remembrance’ timing to hold stall activities, to setup exhibition and to distribute information pamphlets campaigning for the safety issues of bush fire including lunar new year events to be held in Boxhill on Feb 2, Springvale on Feb 3, Manningham on Feb 9 and Glen Waverley on Feb 17. We welcome your support and contribution in the interest of Chinese vulnerable to the risk.
I remember 10 years ago there was a Chinese missionary who retired back to Melbourne; she became a victim of the Black Saturday bush fire as she worked on drug rehabilitation duties in the country area. I respect and miss this God’s servant and I don’t want to see any recurrence again. I hope through our campaign activities and exhibitions we can benefit immigrants who came ashore over the past 10 years.
Chinese New Year is coming. We wish you all a peaceful and prospectus new year.