不只是簽證 更要有生活上的支持
不只是簽證 更要有生活上的支持
Support must come with the immigration visa
The new categories 491 and 494 Australian immigration visas need deeper thinking. Immigration is not a personal right, but rather it is the nation’s decision on who should come in depending on the prevailing social situation.
Some Chinese immigrants take it as a deal, thinking a degree study program will lead them down to immigration through the point system. So some would try to take on more academic, vocational or language courses in order to fulfil the immigration requirements. Now the Australian government has put up new application criteria in favour of remote area settlement instead of traditional criteria based on technical/professional skills. The reminder is the choice would be based on the country’s preference.
Development of this country must be supported by a higher population, but not just with the major cities. Rural areas are lacking behind because people do not want to stay there with limited provision of work, education, medical, lifestyle provisions. Rural life is not all under developed but just a different version from busy city life. Country style of living however would not appeal to immigrants mainly businessmen and professionals coming in from metropolitan cities under the present immigration criteria.
The new condition of the immigration policy is for some new comers to stay in the rural areas for a while thus bringing some vitality with them. Actually, under the usual stringent immigration system this can provide an avenue for those who are prepared to stay far away.
But the government must provide more support to these people who are used to metropolitan life if they are to settle well in the longer term. It is hard for ethnic minority to integrate into a confined community. The government must make them feel comfortable in the community relationship, in their special need of language and culture, in a mutual-support environment.
Introducing a rational system is just the beginning, the government still needs long term policies to assist the new comers in their settlement.