637 合宜政策保護澳州人 Policies fit to protect Australians
這一週, 所有澳洲人都屏息靜氣, 觀看在Delta病毒威嚇之下, 澳洲聯邦及各州政府如何面對。
先前維州封閉隔離兩週, 主要對付的都不是Delta 毒株, 算是壓下來, 社會漸漸回復正常。 不過這次由雪梨開始傳開的, 是令英國及歐洲國家再次爆發的Delta變種毒株, 已到了北領地、昆士蘭、西澳及首都領地, 全都實施封閉隔離。在今天只有塔斯曼尼亞及維州仍維持正常操作, 南澳州在沒有個案下, 雖然未曾實施全面隔離居民, 但也把南澳州與其它州的邊境關上。
莫里森總理與各州及領地領袖於周一晚上召開緊急國家內閣會議, 確定了長者護理及檢疫隔離工作人員要強制接種疫苗, 並且莫里森宣佈讓任何人在與醫生商討, 明白相關風險後, 在自願情況下, 可以即時接種阿斯利康疫苗。政策一出, 受到澳洲醫學會的反對, 因為違反了專家小組ATAGI的建議。不過, ATAGI 在無法知道替代阿斯利康疫苗的其它如輝瑞、莫德納及Novovax的供應量及抵達澳洲的時間表前, 就作出只讓60歲以上的人使用阿斯利康的建議,明顯地無法令人信服。到底是要等待多個月才能有機會接種其它疫苗會比今天就接種阿斯利康較有保障更安全, ATAGI在沒有人能掌控疫苗的供應時, 根本無法估計風險, 它到底是如何作出決定?在面對來勢洶洶的Delta, 明顯地ATAGI的建議, 顯得不合時宜。
不少年青人提議, 有阿斯利康而所預定的人不去使用, 為甚麼他們不能在明白風險的情況下, 接種疫苗保護自己及家人?德國現時讓任何人都接種阿斯利康, 明顯是因為知道讓整個國家面對Delta變種的方法, 就是要在最短的時間內, 接受兩劑的疫苗。
澳洲有幸至今保持低感染, 其實社會(特別是維州)已付上沉重代價。要是澳洲無法在短時間內, 推動大規模的疫苗接種, 相信無法守得住不斷進化,大大增強傳播力的病毒的攻擊。
是時候我們的領袖, 要拿出勇氣, 來切實的推行疫苗接種, 在安全合理的情況下, 讓澳洲人得到保護。
周偉文 社長
Policies fit to protect Australians
Delta variant coronavirus threat over the week has caught the attention of the nation.
The 2-week lockdown successful just in Victoria was not for the Delta strain. But spreading out from Sydney this round is the one that sabotage UK/Europe, to the effect that the NT, Queensland, WA and ACT are all under siege. For now only Victoria and Tasmania remain stable while South Australia with nil case just closed all borders.
PM Morrison held a cabinet meeting on Monday with all state governments to have agreed that all aged care and quarantine workers must be vaccinated and that everyone now could opt for AstraZeneca after consulting a GP. The Australian Medical Council voiced objection as this policy is against the ATAGI’s recommendation. But ATAGI may not be totally right, without knowing the rollout plan for Pfizer, Modena and Novovax, in making the recommendation that only people over 60 should take AstraZeneca. ATAGI have to decide for how long people should wait for the other vaccine brands or people should just have AstraZeneca for immediate protection. With Delta up into our faces certainly ATAGI’s recommendation cannot hold.
Why young people cannot take AstraZeneca if they understand the pros and cons? Germany allows everyone to take it because they know it is the only quick way out to guard against the Delta covid.
Australia especially Victoria has been paying a lot for keeping covid under control. If we cannot speed up national vaccination there is no way we can fight against this virus ever getting sterner.
It is time for our leaders to take a bold vaccination policy for protecting all nationals safely and reasonably.
Raymond Chow, Publisher