同路人語 630
主動融入澳洲社會 Seek integration into Australian society actively
周偉文 社長
自拜登就任美國總統後, 中美兩國高層終於在上週四於阿拉斯加會面。這一次會談顯示了中國已正式向全世界表示, 中國不再承認西方的價值觀及制度的合法性及優越性, 並要求美國接納中國為平等的對手, 不可再把西方民主思想, 強加在中國內政之中。中方代表楊潔篪(連翻譯在內20 分鐘)的演講, 標誌著中國領導人的自信及對西方社會的沒落的輕蔑。美國國務卿布林肯要求記者留下, 作出回應, 說明美國新政府在之前與各國政府接觸後, 已取得一些支持, 要壓制中國的日益強大。中、美關係相信在短時間內, 不會回復特朗普前, 尋求和諧及合作。澳洲總理莫里森之前參加的美、日、印、澳四國會談, 加強在抗疫、軍事、經濟等方面的合作, 明顯地展示了在中美角力之中, 澳洲已選擇了盟友, 及對自身在亞太地區, 維持安全作出相關行動。可以預計的是中澳關係會持續緊張, 並且中國也會以經濟手段來壓迫澳洲。
早前洛伊國際政策研究所(Lowy Institute)發表的報告”Being Chinese in Australia”表明在澳洲的華人, 價值觀及對中國的觀感, 與其他澳洲人不盡相同。在現時緊張的國際關係及中國意圖以高姿態經濟力量震攝澳洲政府的情況下, 澳洲華人不可以對澳洲社會可能出現的反華情緒掉以輕心。
澳洲華人於不同年代來自不同國家, 對世界政治發展就不容易有相同的一套看法。不過由於過往十多年, 大批新移民及留學生從中國到來, 而中國政府亦不遺餘力接觸及影響華人社區組織, 再加上網絡中文資訊、社交平台及與中國密切的經濟活動, 令到中國直接或間接影響著華人社區生活。在這同時, 華人社區也有傾向, 成為一個自我封閉的小社群, 並不容易融入主流文化之中。也有不少華人因著長期受到來自中國的中文資訊影響, 不認識、不明白、不理解、亦不接受澳洲主流社會的價值觀。洛伊研究所的報告書所呈現的情況是一個警號, 是要維持一個和諧的澳洲社會, 一定要面對的。
在中澳緊張的關係下, 華人移民(特別是新來的移民)亦要重新省視, 到底如何要與主流社會建立更密切的聯繫, 才能增加自己對主流社會的認識, 並且也能得到其他澳洲人的信任和支持。
Seek integration into Australian society actively
Since Biden became the US president the US and China have held their first high-level meeting in Alaska last week. This was where China first publically challenged the legitimacy and supremacy of Western values and systems. China demanded US to regard China as an opponent on equal footing and should not impose western democracy onto China’s internal affairs. Chinese spokesperson Yang JieChi’s 20-minute speech (including translation) signalled Chinese leaders’ self-confidence in the midst of the western downturn. US Secretary of State Blinken requested the reporters to stay for his response. He said the US has already solicited support from the allies in counteracting China’s expansion. Seemingly it is not optimistic for the US-Chinese relation to regain harmony and cooperation as in pre-Trump state. Australian PM Morrison’s attendance in the summit with US, Japan, India has shown that Australia had taken side in the Pan-Pacific region in terms of military, economic and pandemic positioning. So it is predictable that the Australian-Chinese relation would remain tense and economic pressure would continue to come from China on Australia.
An earlier report “Being Chinese in Australia” by the Lowy Institute indicated the values and impression on China of most Australian Chinese differed from the mainstream Australians. Under the prevailing international relations and Chinese high economic profile in muzzling Australia, Australian Chinese have to watch out for anti-Chinese sentiment coming in.
Australian Chinese came in different eras from different nations hence unlikely to have a unified view on world politics. But over the past decade or so due to the influx of immigrants and students from China, also with her upbeat economic activities in Australia, and that the Chinese government has actively been involved in Chinese community organisations aided by Chinese social networking media, hence directly or indirectly China influence on local Chinese communities has been immense. At the same time the Chinese communities have a tendency to function self-contained. Many of them are just living with Chinese input to the extent that they do not know, understand nor accept the values of the mainstream society. Lowy Institute’s report sounded an alarm signal for our society if we want to be part of the nation in harmony.
Amid tense Australian-Chinese relation, Chinese immigrants especially those recent ones need to rethink how to get closer tie with and better understanding of the mainstream society so as to gain better trust and support.
Raymond Chow, Publisher