同路人語 622
上一期《同路人》出版前夕, 總編輯出現了傷風徵象, 按照維州政府新冠安全規則, 總編輯進行豫檢測, 並且留在家中隔離。完定編輯好的內容, 無法及時完成出版安排, 因此停刊一期。在此謹向向各位讀者致歉, 在這一期, 我們盡力為大家送上高質素的內容。
沒有出版, 有讀者問我們是否已停刊? 是的, 在新冠疫情下, 廣告巿場大受打擊, 澳洲各地中文媒體不少已停止出版。但我在這裏向大家保證, 我們會努力堅持下去, 盼望你們仍與我們同行。若你是我們的廣告客戶, 請繼續使用我們的服務。
其實在這段日子, 本刊特別針對為社區, 更著力發展不同平台, 帶來更多新冠疫情訊息。自八月開始, 我們在墨爾本3WBC FM94.1電台, 每天提供兩小時的中文廣播, 其中有一小時以上, 是給聽眾報導、介紹並分析疫情發展。一直至本週墨爾本解附第四階段隔離, 我們才恢復原來週二及週三的正常廣播時段。每天兩小時的廣播, 給我們人手帶來很大的壓力, 但同時亦讓我們見到社區的支持。不單如此, 自九月中開始, 我們在得到維州政府支持下, 每天制作4分鐘的中文疫情新聞, 在社區電台blessingCALD.com.au網站播出。
其實, blessingCALD.com.au這平台, 是我們為多元文化社區, 以英文為主及提供不同語言疫情消息而設的網絡資訊平台, 為幫助澳洲少數族裔在疫情之中, 能有健康生活而設。每天的多元語言疫情消息, 受到不同族裔人仕歡迎。
新冠疫情, 無疑是改變了整個世界, 每一個社會都從此不再一樣。作為媒體, 我深深體會到真實、快速、準確、及具社會承擔的資訊, 在這困難環境, 是何等重要。在這時期, 除了生活及世界資訊外, 本刊亦提供了不少鼓勵社區的信息, 盼望在這艱難時期, 給社區傳來希望、信心及愛的支持。我相信在神許可及供應下, 我們仍會繼續這角色。
不過, 我相信我們會進一步改變, 提高我們的效率, 令我們能為社區作得更多。我們會使用更多的科技平台, 進一步擴展讀者群, 令我們能走得更遠、更廣。
請支持我們走下去。成為我們的讀者, 為我們推介網上訂閱、成為我們的廣告客戶及記念我們的需要。
Keep walking with us
On the eve of last publication date as chief editor I got flu symptoms; in line with Victorian Covid Safe regulations, I needed to get test and self-isolate at home hence was unable to carry through all edited materials resulting in the non-publication of an issue. We send our apology to our readers and commit we will deliver yet another high-quality issue this round.
Some readers doubted whether we had stopped the operation. Indeed with the sharp fall in commercial advertisement many Chinese media in Australia has ceased to operate. I can promise we will keep going and we need your continued support. All our commercial sponsors please stay with us.
Over this period we always have the community in mind and have advanced different platforms to feed Covid information. Since August we are having two hours of broadcast through 3WBC FM94.1 local radio station, one hour of which is dedicated to Covid coverage. Until the Stage 4 restriction was lifted recently we went back to the previous Tuesday and Wednesday broadcast sessions. Two hours’ daily production could be stressful, thankfully with community support, we have made it. Since mid-September, with the State Government’s support, we have been producing a 4-minute Chinese news on Covid to go online via the ‘blessingCALD.com.au’ community channel.
Actually blessingCALD.com.au is a multicultural web-based media platform, giving Covid updates mainly in English but incorporating different languages. Minor ethnic communities welcome this program as they could benefit from the daily feed.
Covid is changing the world and every society. As media we certainly realise the importance of genuine, prompt, precise information with social responsibility amid this difficult time. So besides daily and world updates we also offer encouraging messages with a view to giving hope, faith and love to the community. I believe God will allow and provide us in this role.
I also believe we will keep adjusting our efficiency in serving the community. We will employ more technical platform to widen our reader community. We will go further and greater.
Please support us by walking with us. Be our readers, promote our online subscription, become our advertisement sponsors and pray for us!
Raymond Chow