同路人語 611
帶著信心走出疫症陰霾 社長 周偉文
Faith amid pandemic Raymond Chow Publisher
Prime Minister Morrison’s proposed international inquiry into the origin and impact of covid-19 has caused backfire from China. But at the end 137 countries sponsored the proposal when it was raised by European Union and was endorsed by WHO at its AGM. Chinese President Xi Jinping also supported an independent inquiry under WHO to be conducted after the pandemic is over, although the resolution was with immediate effect. Finally China also sponsored this motion.
In terms of population and economic power, Australia is a nation with minimal global impact. But as when 5 million people got contracted and with over 300 thousand causality around the world, Morrison has won his reputation for his fair, calm and persistent approach in gathering up global consensus.
For now the health crisis is under control in Australia where the economy and the society is on its recovery stage in the approval of most Australians. I trust we can all join hands in coming out from the pandemic towards a hopeful future.
Federal government’sJobSeeker andJobKeeperinitiatives have offered many the peace of mind amid their uncertainties amid unemployment and business closing down. Some people reckon we still need to look ahead for some infrastructure projects to build economy and stimulate job growth. The government should promptly take on some of these ideas which could lead our way out from the lockdown.
The government bonds issued last week has attracted investors who still hold a positive outlook on Australian economy. Whether this outlook can materialise into support in reality will depend on new economic initiatives from the government. And we also have to watch out for any change in immigration policy in association. Morrison has announced a drastic cut in the intake of the immigrants, presumably in quota of student visa and working visa. That may not mean a fundamental change of immigration policy in the long term, but the new policy of directing immigrants into the rural areas could become uncertain.
From past experience some city dwellers upon losing their jobs will move out furtherthus causing booms in the countryside. This may impact on the newly introduced immigration policy.
In any event, courage and faith are needed by all of us in coping with the changes ever going on around us.