702 我的堅持
My persistence
成長於香港, 中學時雖然我選修理科, 卻喜歡讀中國歷史, 到中四更讀中國文學。我很喜歡這些科目, 卻從未想到為甚麼要唸它們。到今天, 我也教導我兩歲的外孫女學習成語故事, 相信會幫助她建立良好的人生價值觀。不過, 我也相信, 我們不單要傳承中華文化, 更要批判並找出它最好的一部份,讓它對澳洲社會有幫助。這正是澳洲能夠從四方八面來的移民文化, 建立一個值得我們驕傲的文化多元社會的方法。
今天不管是來自哪一個地區的華人, 我們身上都有著一條條看不見的繩索, 綑綁著我們。很多人見到華人很少主動參政, 我認為這其實是中華文化的一部份。通過把儒家文化及利用教育成為建構社會的基礎,三千年來的專制管治者已令到中國人把放棄政治權利合理化。文化大革命給中國人民帶來經濟的倒退,同時亦為以後數十年華人只聚焦在物質生活的要求, 而放棄公民社會的權利。因此, 我們見到不少來自中國的華人, 很少討論政治理念, 並且不大關注社會發展。華人移民多是擁護執政黨的權力, 務求使自己得到最大的利益。
直至最近, 香港的移民大都是避免討論及參與政治。剛在香港實施的《維護國家安全法案》,令不少香港裔澳洲人在這裏的言行, 都受香港政府法例所宣稱的域外管治權所覆蓋, 很大可能會令他們避免公開表達對中國及香港社會的意見。這和不少今天在澳洲, 接受中國愛國教育的年輕一代很相似, 就是內心不願意批評中國或香港的管治。
定居在澳洲的華人, 有權擁抱澳洲的價值觀, 就是他們入籍澳洲時所宣認的民主、自由、平等及法治, 並且有要求管治者向公民負責任的權利。作為一名澳洲公民在這裏出版媒體, 我會堅持這些信念來繼續出版《同路人》,不管這樣做是否會抵觸香港法律的域外管治。
《同路人》服務澳洲華人, 雖然也在互聯網存在及傳播,內容也會接觸到全球華人。但我們無意去影響香港或中國社會, 亦不認為我們有這樣的責任, 或是應該這樣做。我們持守的是普世公民社會應有的價值觀, 我盼望在未來, 這會得到你們的認同和支持。
當然堅持這樣的信念,會令我們的經營變得困難, 但我盼望你們能與我們同行, 一直走下去。
周偉文 社長
My persistence
Born in Hong Kong, my major subject stream was Science in the secondary school, yet I loved doing Chinese History and picked up Chinese Literature in Form 4, without realising why I was so interested in them. By now I also encouraged my 2-year-old granddaughter to read Chinese idiom stories for building a better value of life. I believe we should not just inherit Chinese culture but also to make use of it critically in the interest of local society here. This is exactly how Australia attract and build multiculturalism in this nation.
No matter in and from where, Chinese seem to be under an invisible bondage. It’s our Chinese culture that makes Chinese indifferent to politics. Through Confucianism and education over the past 3000 years, autocratic rulers have rationalized Chinese giving up in politics. The Cultural Revolution had done massive damage to Chinese economy as well as impact in the following decades for Chinese to give up civil rights for a better materialistic living. So many Chinese from China seldom talk about political vision and social development. Chinese immigrants aim to support the governing body for self interest.
Until recently, Hong Kong immigrants too tend to stay away from discussing and participating in politics. The recent National Security Act in Hong Kong extends its extraterritorial governance to cover public opinions on Hong Kong/China made by Australians originated from Hong Kong. Possibly we shall see more Hong Kong Australians will be reluctant to express their opinions on what are happening in Hong Kong and China. This situation is quite similar to young Chinese students who do not wish to criticise Hong Kong or Chinese government.
I do not think so.
Chinese residing in Australia, upon their citizenship declaration, should embrace Australian values including democracy, freedom, equity and rule of law, with the right to ask for accountability of the governing body. To publish media as an Australian citizen I will persist in my belief on Sameway, whether it could violate extraterritorial governance under the law of Hong Kong.
Sameway serves Australian Chinese, and would connect to all Chinese globally through the internet publication. We do not have any intention to influence the Chinese or Hong Kong societies, nor should we have this duty to do anything. We honour the values of world-wide societies; I hope I could have your acknowledgement and support on this in the future.
I know persisting in this belief will make our operation harder. But I hope you can walk with me, persistently.
Mr. Raymond Chow, Publisher