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701 香港23條立法影響我嗎?

2020年7月, 中國通過《香港國安法》, 不少國家相信香港人將失去人權及自由。澳洲政府提供給港人避風港計劃, 而這幾年間, 估計超過30萬港人定居他國。同時間, 我們也見到上千名香港居民, 以各種罪名被起訴, 不少人在未被定罪前已失去自由兩、三年。

持不同政見的人, 可以有不同解讀這情況的方式, 卻無法否認這些可以見到的事實。

是的, 今天在香港我們已見不到批評政府的媒體, 及香港人公開發表對抗政府的言論。留在香港的人, 相信都是有著各種原因, 不願意或是不能離開香港, 寧願接受限制了的自由繼續生活的人。對可以離開香港而選擇留下來的人,這是個人的選擇, 無所謂好與不好, 別人也不必批評。

不過, 今天香港立法會正在急速按《基本法》第23條, 訂立 《維護國家安全條例》, 更廣泛地限制了港人的言論及行為。在這條例中, 令人關心的是在香港出生擁有香港居留權但持外國護照的人群, 他們在香港以外地區的行為, 也受到條例所管轄, 即香港所聲稱域外管轄權。按這理解, 持澳洲國籍的香港移民在澳洲時發表的言論, 也受到這條例的管轄, 即是說在澳洲他們行使的言論自由行為, 在他們回到香港時, 有可能要負上刑責。

例如在本刊發表有關香港生活或對政府施政的評論, 若然內容是反對香港政府政策的立場, 作者就有機會被視為違反這條例。若作者是香港移民澳洲人士, 則他們回到香港時就有一定風險。

這對於今天生活在澳洲超過10萬在香港出生的澳洲移民, 是一個警號。這一法例, 對他們要在澳洲發表言行帶來了一重考慮, 就是若談及香港, 會否在回到香港時被視為違反相關法例?澳洲政府有責任為他們的權益發聲及爭取各種保護, 例如澳洲政府有責任要確應, 是否他們放棄了香港永久居留權, 他們就不受這條例的域外管轄影響呢?不少人預測在條例通過後, 海外居住的港人再回到香港時會有一定的風險。

顯而易見, 香港會有更多人會盼望能離開, 澳洲及其它國家, 願意為更多港人開放這一條避風港的通道嗎?我們中間有沒有更多人願意為這些盼望離開的人, 提供多一點支持呢? 我們讀者中間, 來自香港的新舊移民都不少, 你們是否願意, 為這一個你們出生、成長、珍愛及關心的城巿多作一點呢?

對我來說, 今天能夠在澳洲堅持出版我們的信念, 正確及公正評論身邊世界包括香港所發生的事, 就變得是更重要和有價值的事。

周偉文 社長

Will the Hong Kong 23rd legislation affecting me?

In July 2020 the ‘Hong Kong National Security Bill’ was passed in China which prompted many countries’ belief that Hong Kong people would soon lose their human right and freedom. Over the past few years over 300,000 migrated out of Hong Kong in this connection where the Australian government also offered a ‘shelter plan’ for them to come over. At the same time over a thousand of Hong Kong residents were prosecuted on various counts and many already lost their freedom for 2-3 years ahead of any sentence.

People can have different political interpretation of the situation but facts are undeniably as such.

It is true now in Hong Kong there is no more media criticizing the government nor is there any public opinion in opposition. People now staying in Hong Kong have their own reason of not willing or not able to leave a place where their freedom of life has been limited. Outsiders are not in a position to agree or disagree with these people’s decision to stay put or not.

The Hong Kong Legislative Council is now speeding up on the passing of the Safeguarding National Security Ordinance under Article 23 of the Basic Laws, further restricting on the speech and act of Hong Kong people.  Amongst it is a concern where the acts of Hong Kong citizens who possess foreign nationality would be subject to the new legislation with a jurisdiction in foreign territories. So in theory Hong Kong people who have migrated to Australia could be prosecuted on return to Hong Kong for their acts of exercising their freedom of speech in this country.

Say for articles on Hong Kong living or public policies in this publication, if in against of the Hong Kong government could be seen as violation of this new legislation. The writers, as immigrants from Hong Kong, would bear a risk on returning there.

This is a warning signal for the 100,000+ Hong Kong immigrants in here. This legislation poses a threat to their freedom here and the Australian government has an obligation to offer them cover. At least Australian government should clarify whether giving up of permanent residence right in Hong Kong will allow them to be exempted from the legislation. There is a risk for any HongKonger returning from overseas afterwards.

Obviously more HongKongers would want to leave and would Australia or other countries be willing to offer them shelter? Are we here prepared to offer them some support? Many of our readers came from Hong Kong and would you be willing to do something for this city where you were born, grown up, love and care?

To me, it is more important and meaningful if we can continue our faith of publishing while making just and fair comments on matters around us in the world including Hong Kong.

Mr. Raymond Chow, Publisher