688 你可以怎樣支持?
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在《同路人語》與讀者交流了19年, 相信不少人對我都有一點認識。對我提出移民融入澳洲社會的說法, 有人認同, 也有人不以為然。不過我相信你若是《同路人》的長期讀者, 你很有可能會與我有接近的想法, 希望澳洲成為我們安身立命的家。
今期讀者會見到我以獨立候選人參選Warrandyte 補選的廣告, 很多人會感到奇怪。為甚麼一個從事社區媒體接近20年, 在年齡該退下來的老移民, 要參與州議會的選舉, 其實連我自己也沒有想過。
十多年來有不少朋友都曾提議我參與政治, 我都不以為然。我認為一位從政的人,一定要瞭解這身處的社會, 更要有自己的看法。移民來到澳洲要從政, 一切從零開始, 要花多少精力?人生有多少個十年?倒不如專心在自己懂的事上, 才會有結果。
從事媒體工作, 並非我的選擇, 在我看來是神特別的揀選。不過, 因著要做好這一個角色, 不期然就投入到社區參與, 才發現主流社會政客及整個政府架構中, 根本沒有興趣, 也沒有多少努力, 去幫助建設澳洲成為一個多元化以移民為主導的社會。最大的問題, 在於各級議會之中, 沒有多少人認識、明白、及願意去探索多元化移民社會到底應該怎樣運作。
多年來在與澳洲政客接觸, 我明白他們的限制, 除非我們主動走進議會, 推動政府重視移民的需要, 不然改變不會發生。 2021年統計, 澳洲有33% 人口是18歲以上才移民澳洲, 而維州議會內一個這樣的人都沒有。
我相信神的帶領, 讓我走進社區, 更看見改變的方向, 是呼召我去回應, 在我己健康還可以的時候, 在議會中推動澳洲的改變, 我相信可以從維州開始。
這一次補選, 競選時間很短, 在兩週後就要舉行。要成功當選的話, 我需要在未來兩週內, 有大量的金錢及義工支持, 協助我參加這一次選舉。若你也有同樣的看法, 或是願意幫助我的話, 可以電郵與我聯絡。
周偉文, 社長
How can you support?
Readers of Sameway who have been following our sharing over the past 19 years should know me well. Some of you would agree but some of you may not with my belief on how immigrants should integrate with the local society. Many year-long readers should concur Australia should be made as our next home country.
This issue may surprise someone as I would be standing as an independent candidate for the Warrandyte electorate, Why a retiring immigrant would be joining State politics after 20 years of media work in the community? That wasn’t my thinking too.
For more than a decade people around me had suggested me to join politics which I was not interested. I reckoned a good understanding of the society and a good vision on it must come first. Doing politics from scratch here in Australia could be very demanding. I thought I would rather spend my limited time and effort on outcome under my better handling.
Serving in media work was not my choice but of God’s calling. But over time I have dived in the community, and realised politicians and the government system are not doing much in making Australia a real multicultural society serving immigrants. The root of the problem is not many members at the various parliamentary levels understand and want to know more about how a multicultural society should work.
I know what politicians’ limitation with my years of encountering with them; I want to join them in order to change them on matters important to immigrants. The 2021 Census indicated 33% of Australian population came here at the aged of 18 or over. None of them is now with the Victorian parliament.
I believe God led me into the community made me respond to a calling in making a change on this country, first in Victoria, while my health still allows.
This By-election is a bit rushed to take place in two weeks’ time. I need plenty of financial support and helping hands to win. Please email or call me if you share my goal and can offer assistance.
Thank you for your support.
Mr. Raymond Chow, Publisher