642 每週新聞資訊訂閱
Sameway weekly bulletin subscription
不經不覺《同路人》已與華人社區走了17年。在這些日子, 我們的目的只有一個, 就是與讀者同走移民路, 融入澳洲這一個多元文化社會。
猶記得2004年開始出版《同路人》時, 我沒有任何媒體經驗, 亦不熟悉澳洲社會, 更對華人社區亳無認識。創辦這一份刊物, 是因為信仰的呼召, 要把信仰帶向社區, 同時通過服事社區去活出信仰。17年來, 不少朋友與我一起走過這些日子, 成了我的同路人, 而《同路人》也成為了澳洲的一個重要中文媒體平台。
去年9月, 我向維州州長建議, 有必要支持多元文化媒體, 協助它們度過疫境。結果安德魯斯州長撥出3百萬元, 支持在新冠疫情中大受重創, 根本沒有廣告的多元文化媒體。《同路人》兩次獲得維州政府撥款支持, 是唯一獲得認同, 得到支持的中文媒體。我為能得到這認同及政府的支持, 感謝哪位今天仍帥領我們繼續走下去的神。沒有祂不斷引證我們的異象, 及激勵我們的信心, 在疫境及逆境之中, 我們有千百個理由, 放手不幹。
其實, 最近這兩年, 《同路人》在不斷的封閉隔離之中, 有更多的機會服事華人社區。首先, 我們沒有一次停刊過, 亦堅持每期分發實體書刊。在疫症期間不少中文刊物如大型的《星島日報》也結束了, 也有些聲稱轉向網絡出版, 從此在社區中消失。不過大家都知道, 華人移民連微信短文都不看, 除非是已經建立品牌的刊物, 哪有多少人會是電子刊物的讀者呢?
不過,我卻倒是出版了一本英文的疫症網絡週刊 BlessingCALD, 為多元文化社區提供最新疫症消息, 現時已有上千人訂閱, 連同在網上及在圖書館內閱讀印刷版的讀者, 每週接觸至少3000人。這是與在微訊或其它社交平台不同的出版, 是給讀者長期訂閱, 提供高質素信息的電子刊物。
我們相信, 《同路人》是廣受讀者認同和支持的澳洲中文刊物, 我們計劃每週推出精簡的電子資訊版, 把新聞評論及專題, 直接通過電郵供應給讀者。 我們會在下一期詳細介紹這每週的電子通訊, 盼望能得到你的支持, 推廣訂閱, 作為答謝社區17年來的支持。
周偉文 社長
Sameway weekly bulletin subscription
Sameway has been with the community for 17 years. So long our primary aim is to walk along with Chinese immigrants on this land integrating into this multicultural society.
When I kicked off this publication in 2004 I did not have any experience in media, little understanding of the mainstream society and no knowledge on the Chinese community. My only calling came with my faith to serve and to impact on the community.
In September last year I proposed to the Victorian Premier for more support be given to multicultural media amid pandemic difficulties. As a result, Daniel Andrews agreed a 3-million grant to those hard-hit media agencies losing most of their income from advertainment. Sameway succeeded in two lots of such payments, being the only Chinese media qualified. I thank God for this acknowledgment and support from the government. Without God granting us the continued guidance and endured faith, we would have all the reasons of giving it up amid this pandemic.
Actually with the lockdowns over these two years we have been serving the community more actively. WE did not miss one issue and our physical distribution kept going. Over the time even the giant ‘SingTao Daily’ was gone from the community and some just completely turned into online publishing. But as many Chinese immigrants do not read passages on WeChat thus who would really bother to read electronic publication apart a few from some prestigious brand names.
But I have published an English weekly online magazine ‘BlessingCALD’providing Covid updates to the multicultural communities. There is now over a thousand subscription over the internet and together with library hard copies it is reaching 3000 readers each week. This is something not alike those messages on WeChat or other online social platforms from time to time. It is a high quality electronic publication up for regular subscription.
We trust Sameway is a widely appreciated and supported community magazine. We plan to send out electronic summary of weekly news analysis into readers’ mailboxes. We will introduce this new service in our next issue. We hope you will support and promote this bulletin with your subscription.
Mr. Raymond Chow, Publisher