同路人語603- 天災、人禍、懲罰?Natural disaster, human destruction or punishment?
周偉文 社長
Natural disaster, human destruction or punishment?
These days people are terribly saddening as the Wuhan Coronavirus spreads over the globe. No matter you are in China, the very near-by Hong Kong, Australia across the Pacific, any developed countries or remote ones (apart from Africa and South America at the time of this writing), you can feel the threat of getting infected without any mean to cure.
People coming from Wuhan certainly are not welcome; and there is no guarantee for anyone coming from China. NSW government has asked students and teachers coming back from their China holiday to quarantine themselves for 14 days before returning to schools. Wuhan closed the city border, so the Hubei province, sooner or later China will be locked down too. Almost all Chinese New Year celebrations were cancelled. Boxhill in Melbourne is exceptionally quiet including all Chinese restaurant, for the first time in 20 years you can find more Westerners there more than Chinese who all want to hide away.
Anyone with relatives going back to Wuhan and Hong Kong these days would worry. The infection can sleep inside the body from 3-14 days before showing up any symptom, meaning anyone coming back from overseas could be a virus carrier until the 14 days quarantine period is over.
People are getting weird subject to this invisible threat. Facial masks are all sold off in our pharmacy (people saying all the stock had been shipped away to China a month back). It is uncertain how the Australia medical system could cope in case of an epidemic.
We are helpless. Nobody can change or take control of this situation, irrespective of you are experts of skill and knowledge, millionaires, officials in high power or whoever.
I remember the other Geng-zi year happened 120 years ago where the Boxers led the Allied Power into China; that human destruction changed the fate of China. I am not sure in this Geng-zi year an epidemic disease originated from China would change the fate of the world. Some Christians say this pandemic is God’s act to punish China for the wrong-doings. I cannot agree with this as the Bible say all humanity, not just Chinese, sin. But it was God’s abundant grace, by coming to earth for the redemption, which saved humanity from our sin.
Raymond Chow, Publisher