
693 幫助我們面對虛假信息的挑戰

Help us to fight against fake information

社交資訊平台自2015 年開始, 因著智能手機的流行, 走進了社會, 成為不少人獲取世界資訊的途徑。至今, 我們常談及錯誤資訊、虛假資訊、另類資訊、同溫層效應得問題, 都是由此引起。

只要有一個人刻意要推廣一些說法, 就可以利用社交資訊平台, 通過一些「網紅」不斷轉發, 特別是向容易受影響或接受者輸送。只要付上費用, 就可以組成「海軍」或「水兵」, 在互聯網大海中, 通過社交平台, 制造成為聲勢浩大的「訊息」。小至個人可以推送成為網紅, 大至國家使用成為大外宣工具, 影響社會發展。普通人不容易分辨訊息是否正確, 很容易被推送這些信息的持份者洗腦, 建立了反社會的思想。

今天, 大部份國家領導都認識及明白, 這情況會影響一個國家的穩定及安全, 所以極權的國家, 都會嚴格管控資訊的發佈及推送。西方國家崇尚自由, 除非資訊內容涉及危害社會及違反人權等,不然政府不會管制。不過,現在的情況, 已令不少西方國家覺得已經失控, 並且也有一些國家正利用這空間來攻擊自己, 因此亦有一些國家在提倡, 要建立有質素及可信頼的新聞資訊平台。

澳洲是多元文化國家, 第一代及第二代移民佔人口超過一半, 而這些新來的澳洲居民, 正處於原居地國家資訊的影響之下。也因此, 這也被提升到國家安全而資訊戰更是澳洲要面對的挑戰。 《同路人》作為具備影響力的中文媒體, 我們也感受到要提升訊息內容真確性的挑戰。這其實是很難做得到的事。因為我們需要更多有水平的媒體人的參與, 也需要更多資金, 並且要花上更多力量, 放在內容搜集、核實、及檢查之中, 更要避免受到大量虛假信息的誤導。

在我們踏入第20年服務社區的同時, 我盼望本刊能繼續成為讀者可以信頼的高質素媒體。請與我們同行, 讓我們實踐這一個目標, 成本刊能達到榮神益人的召命。

周偉文, 社長

Help us to fight against fake information

With smart phones popularity, social media platform has dominated the world for information acquisition. Arising from that we are talking about wrong information, fake information, alternative information, echo chamber etc these days.

If someone want to propagate something, he just needs to do it on the social media channels in massive volume maybe through a KOL. With money, one can hire hands to overflow the information into those media platforms. This can promote personal appeal or even become powerful propaganda tool to impact on society. Ordinary public may find it hard to tell the truth thus be misled into some anti-social sentiment.

Today many national leaders realise this could pose hazard to their governance stability, so totalitarian countries usually exercise tight control on information promulgation. Western countries are more liberal and looser on this except for violation of law and order or human right. But the prevailing situation is also threatening their national security from outside; more quality and reliable reporting media is now in demand.    

Australia is a multicultural country.1st and 2nd generations of immigrants take up over half of the national population. Many are still hooked up with information sources from their originating countries. This would lead to challenges of national security and information war. As an influential Chinese media, Sameway is very mindful of our information accuracy. This is not an easy task. We need more quality media co-workers, more resources, more effort in the production process  of finding, checking and verifying information to avoid fake material.

As we moved into our 20th years of serving the society, we hope this publication could remain as a reliable and high-quality choice for our readers. Please support us in achieving this goal and accomplishing our godly mission.

Mr. Raymond Chow, Publisher

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