
671 要兌現競選承諾

Keep election promise

維州工黨及自由黨都作出競選承諾, 提供1000萬元給華人社區, 興建活動中心等基礎建設, 詳情未公佈。可以說, 不管誰勝出, 華人社區都是大贏家。明顯地, 兩個政黨都極力爭取華人手上的一票。事實上, 上一屆維州大選, 墨爾本多個自由黨議席, 其中不少是華人聚居的社區, 都落入工黨的手上。不過,興建專給華人社區使用的活動中心, 要怎樣設計策劃, 值得討論。

現時華人社團舉行大型活動, 都使用巿政府各類場地。亦有不少私營的設施專供華人餐飲宴會、活動場所、展覽及圖書館等。現時華人社區欠缺的,是提供各類社區服務及日常活動的空間。志願性的服務組織, 大多沒有經費去租用辦公室及活動場地, 各巿政府提供的空間亦在多年前已供應給主流服務團體。要是興建華人社區中心, 能夠為各類服務組織提供硬件及軟件支援, 確是有益於整體華人。

連續兩屆自由黨落敗, 當然有很多因素。2018年大選自由黨提出社區安全作為競選主要政綱, 我認為是當時自由黨領袖Matthew Guy受到不少從中國來的新移民所誤導, 認為墨爾本治安很差, 因此以這為重點政策。不過事後檢討, 這議程並沒有引起維州選民的關注, 自由黨大敗並失去更多議席。不過, 在2014及2018年工黨分別提出要支持興建共兩所各有90個床位的華人長者護理中心, 相信也吸引了不少華裔選民的支持。

不過,沒有多少人注意到, 這兩個競選承諾, 到今天仍未為華人長者帶來多一張的護理床位。2014年工黨上台後, 確實在Springvale South買了一幅5000平方米的地, 在2018年選定了承辦的社區組織, 要長期租用這地來興建長者護理設施。不過, 承辦組織在找不到足夠支持下, 計劃仍未實現, 工黨政府應該向華人社區交代情況。

2018年承諾的另一所華人長者設施, 工黨政府已在Lower Templestowe買了土地, 以類似方式邀請華人社區組織表達承辦意向, 不過直至今天仍未公佈哪一個組織被選上。

我在11月15 日與安德魯斯州會面時提出, 安德魯斯強調工黨的承諾是買地, 護老院是否建成是華人社區的問題。我不能認同這樣的說法。政府有責任跟進為何Springvale 項目的承辦機構無法建成, 而2018年的承諾為何政府至今仍未作出選擇承辦機構。

不過, 從吸引華人社區支持的競選策略來說, 工黨絕對比自由黨優勝。直到今天雖然沒有增加過一張華人長者護理床位, 工黨的承諾就已為他們在2014年及2018年大選中, 取得了不少華人的選票。當然也可以說, 工黨政府失信於華人社區, 欺騙他們的選票。是真心、還是假意, 還看工黨政府是否努力兌現競選承諾, 但在我看來總比自由黨連給華人一個希望也不願意。

周偉文, 社長

Keep election promise

Both the Victorian Labor and Liberal governments made an election promise to allocate 10 million dollars for Chinese community activity centres and other infrastructures, with no details yet. Chinese community would benefit in either election outcome, as both parties eye on their voting power. Indeed in last state election several electorates in Melbourne with high Chinese population fell into Labor’s hand. The planning and provision of Chinese community centres however worth careful examination.

For now many big Chinese community events are mostly held in local Council premises, some entertainment or exhibition venues, and even libraries. We are in need of space to hold community services and daily activities. Volunteering bodies usually do not have the resources to hire offices and venues, with most of the government provisions channelled to the mainstream organisations. So it would be a very good news to Chinese communities if funding could be available for the provision of Chinese community venues and functions.

Certainly there were many factors which failed the Liberals in two consecutive state elections. In 2018 they used ‘community safety’ as their election pledge probably the then leader Matthew Guy thought that law and order could appeal to new immigrants. Later reviews indicted that was not the case and they lost several seats. But in 2014 and 2018 Labor offered the construction of two 90-bed Chinese elderly homes, that proved to be attractive to the Chinese electorates.

But not many people could notice that not even a single bed is in place till to date. In 2014 after the Labor came into power, they really bought a 5000 sqm land in Springvale South. In 2018 they also appointed a community agent to take on the elderly home project. But the contracted body lacks the support to pursue further, and the Labor government still owes the Chinese community a good explanation.

The other elderly home project promised in 2018 is in similar situation, with the land acquired in Lower Templestowe but no confirmation has been made on the appointment of a suitable project agent.

Truly the Labor has done better than the Liberals in their election promise strategy. Their empty promises made both in 2014 and 2018 had won them the votes they needed form the Chinese community, but at the same time they had lost their credibility in both. We are yet to see how serious would be the Labor government in keeping election promises. However, one thing that is a shame is that the Liberals even do not bother to promise support to the Chinese community in this aspect.

Mr. Raymond Chow, Publisher

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