
670 積極與社會建立關係

Building a good relation with the society

中國共產黨二十大召開, 選出了新一屆205名中央委員、24名政治局委員及7名政治局常委, 習近平繼續擔任黨總書記。世界各國對中國未來的管理團隊、對內及外交政策, 及中國要在世界扮演的角色, 在習近平的發言中, 都很清楚中國會走向與西方民主、自由、法治相反的路向, 可以預計中國與西方國家的關係, 在短時間內都不會緩和, 並且在未來因著台灣問題發生軍事衝突的機會極高。

澳洲過去數年與中國的關係極為緊張, 影響到兩國之間的文化、貿易、經濟合作等。中國是澳洲最大的貿易夥伴, 更是澳洲大學留學生及遊客的最大的來源地, 相信在未來經過新冠疫情後, 兩國要重建這些關係, 並不容易。在中國積極把勢力伸向南太平洋島嶼的同時, 外長黃英賢面對的挑戰亦不容忽視。

西方社會包括澳洲主流, 感受到中國成為威脅的比例大大提高, 主動要與中國交往及合作並不容易。作為華裔澳洲人, 我相信是可以扮演著和平使者的角色。中國三千年來, 都是專制極權統治, 中國人的生活哲學以維護個人及家庭利益 為中心, 對民主、自由、法治及人權並沒有太大熱衷及經驗, 亦並不如西方社會般重視。在澳洲生活的中國人, 往往會給其他澳洲人感覺到中國各方面發展都比澳洲優勝, 而他們對中國的認同比對澳洲強。

這一種的生活態度, 很容易令主流澳洲人認為, 華裔澳洲人會認同現時中國政府及她要改變世界的決心。其實, 選擇移民到澳洲的中國人, 內心必然對澳洲有一定的認同, 只不過適應及融入社會需要時間, 不是一朝一夕就會發生的事。因此, 我相信今天值得華裔移民多想一下, 我們既選擇定居多元文化澳洲, 就要勇敢地走出舒適地帶, 成為多元文化澳洲人的第一步, 而不是把自己當作是短期僑居澳洲, 更要展示出我們願意認識、投入、貢獻及與其他人共同建設這一國家。

在中國與西方國家關係緊張的同時, 華裔澳洲人更要主動與主流及其它多元文化社群建立更緊密的關係。

周偉文 社長

Building a good relation with the society

The 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China appointed 205 Central Committees, 24 Politburo Committees and 7 Politburo Standing Committees, with Xi Jinping re-appointed as general secretary of the Communist Party of China. From this future team composition ruling China and Xi’s speech, its declared internal and foreign policy based on which China would play her role in the world arena, it is clear that China is going in the different direction compared to the western countries in terms of democracy, freedom and rule of law. Hence it is envisaged that China’s relation with the West could not improve in the near future, not to mention their military tension over the Taiwan issue has been escalating.

The Chinese Australian relation has remained tense over the past decades, affecting the mutual cultural, trade and economic cooperation. China is Australia biggest trading partner, and has the biggest share in Australian education and tourism industries. It seems hard for their tie to restore after the pandemic. The continuous spreading of Chinese influence over to the South Pacific islands has made the job of our foreign minister Penny Wong very difficult.

Western countries including the mainstream Australians are seeing China’s threat growing, that will deter their proactive cooperation with China. As Australian Chinese, we can play the role as an ambassador. For over 3000 years China has been ruled by totalitarian leaders, Chinese way and notion of living always put individual and facility interests upfront.  They do not have experience and aspiration in democracy, freedom, rule of law and human right. Chinese here are seen to be feeling superior as Chinese rather than accepting them as Australians.

This lifestyle and mentality could make mainstream Australians feeling Chinese from China side with China in her will of changing the world. Actually when these Chinese chose to migrate here they must have an affiliation with Australia but just that they need time to adjust and integrate. So immigrants from China must take the initiative to move on as a multicultural Australian, rather than shelving away as temporary residents not willing to participate and contribute in the building of a better nation in common.

Amid a tense relation between China and the West, Australian Chinese must strengthen their social relation with the mainstream and multicultural communities.

Mr. Raymond Chow, Publisher

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