
669 天災與人禍

Natural disaster and human calamity

近日維州發生水災, 不單在一些鄉郊城鎮宣佈進入緊急狀態, 居民要疏散, 連在墨爾本巿區附近的馬瑞巴農河也氾濫, 不少住宅受到影響。維州及聯邦政府設立緊急援助金進行賑災及支援重建工作, 並支援居民築堤防止洪水及協助居民疏散至安全地方。水災帶來數以千計房屋受到影響, 居民要暫時撤離居所, 並且發現有死於洪水個案。

不單止是在維州, 東岸其它各州如昆士蘭、新州及塔州都有洪水, 可以說今次水災, 受影響地區相當廣泛, 並不能看成為個別地區出現的問題。當然水災出現有自然因素, 大量雨水在短時間內降下, 河水無法在短期內流走, 導致水位急速上升而影響附近民居是可以理解。不過, 過度的發展, 在巿區在低地大量建屋, 是否會令到水災的風險提高, 政府有責任要加以研究, 並向社會交待。

墨爾本西區馬瑞巴農河的氾濫, 更有專家指出可能與在Flemington馬場修建防止水淹馬場的保護圍場有關, 因為圍場令到大量積水向四周流竄而導致其它地區受到影響, 更是政府要加以正視及探究的情況。人口增長導致城巿開發壓力極大, 在墨爾本東區原本不少低窪地帶不容許建築房屋的地區, 在經過修築防洪設施後, 都已變成住宅區。這些防洪建設, 要經常維護, 清除堵塞, 才能保障相關房屋的安全。在今次在巿區內大面積的水浸出現後, 政府有責任檢討現時所訂的防洪措施是否足夠。

大墨爾本巿區內有不少河流小溪, 靠近民居, 平時是大家遊玩閒適的好去處, 不過一旦天氣轉變, 我們卻要懂得相關的危險。例如有在低窪地帶的道路, 令經過的汽車有一定的危險。又或是在墨爾本巿區達數千公里的單車徑, 不少在豪雨期間會被淹蓋, 沒有經驗的人士有機會被困或被沖走。因此, 政府要對移民進行環境教育。不少長期在城巿生活的新移民, 並不一定懂得與大自然共同生活, 在突發情況出現時, 就未必有足夠準備處理, 陷在危險之中。

學會與大自然共同生活, 就可以避免把大自然的變化, 變成危害人生命的禍害。

周偉文, 社長

Natural disaster and human calamity

The recent flooding in Victoria has sent many rural towns into emergency state, people have to evacuate from their homes. Even the Maribyrnong River close to Melbourne is overflowing. The State and Federal governments set up emergency aid for disaster relief and rebuilding purposes. Assistance are being offered to the impacted residents in coping with the damage and risk they are facing with. Thousands of dwellings and residents are affected and even with casualties reported.

The flood happens not just in Victoria but extensively covers all eastern States like Queensland, NSW and Tasmania. Being not as a localised problem, there are many natural factors such as heavy downpour, stuck river flow and rapid water level rising. Yet the government needs to investigate and account for the other human constituting factors especially over real estate development on inappropriate grounds.

The Flemington racecourse has recently built a barrier wall to keep water away from the racecourse. Some experts say this has led to the overflowing of the Maribyrnong River into the city west suburb. Over population demands urban development. In the Melbourne eastern suburbs low lying grounds are turning into housing estates after some flood-control make-over. But such preventive infrastructure needs to be properly maintained to work well and safe. After the large-scale flooding in the urban area this round, the government must review the efficacy of all existing flood control facilities and measures.

Inside Greater Melbourne there are many rivers and streams so close to residential and recreational areas. We have to be alert of drastic weather changes. Low lying roads could be a risk to passing vehicles, same as for bicycle tracks a few thousand kilometres around the city. People needs to be educated. Especially for new immigrants merely from the cities may not know how to cope with the natural environment here and once in emergency they could be trapped in danger.

We have to learn how to live with our environment in order not to be ruined by environmental changes.

Mr. Raymond Chow, Publisher

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