
668 動盪與平安

Turmoil and Peace

俄烏戰爭已進入了新的階段。烏克蘭反攻, 俄羅斯處於下風,在烏克蘭四個區進行公投, 要求加入俄羅斯, 結果是絕大多數人都表示要求加入俄羅斯。西方社會對這一次在軍隊操控下的所謂公投, 都不予承認。 普京其後簽署行政命令把這些地區承認為俄羅斯國土, 並發言要使用核子武器保護, 令到世界陷入核子戰爭的威脅之下。聯合國現時仍未有具體行動, 但烏克蘭加快申請加入北大西洋公約組織, 令到更多國家很可能會進一步捲入這場戰爭。

其它國家如中國、印度及巴西等人口大國的態度仍未明朗,可以說到底俄羅斯是否能建成聯盟,吞併烏克蘭國土, 現時仍未可知。不過, 我仍深信那創造人類的神, 與人同行亦掌管歷史。不管惡人如何頑蠻霸凌,終究不會成功。

同時間澳洲聯邦政府宣佈新冠疫情感染者不再需要強制隔離, 要求人民自行決定採取怎樣策略, 表明相信醫療系統在絕大部份人已經接種兩劑疫苗後, 已可應付, 好像我們已走進了平安,威脅不再存在。

醫療專家普遍認為大流行仍未過去, 新冠病毒對個人健康威脅仍在, 大多對政府的政治決定不以為然。政府取消了對因感染需要強制隔離的病假資助,表明了面對新冠病毒已變成了個人的問題。

我們不能同意政府完全放下面對新冠大流行的責任。不錯, 每一個人都要為自己健康負上責任, 不能凡事要求政府管理或作出決定。但政府絕對有責任, 要教育每一個澳洲居民,讓他們認識新冠病毒對個人、社區及社會的影響。

在經過接近三年的折騰, 加上大量不同訊息在社區中流傳, 政府要加強撥款, 宣傳在未來社會然應該遵守的防疫措施。例如, 維州首席衛生官Brett Sutton表示, 我們要向亞洲各國學習, 建立並接受在不適時佩戴口罩的文化。又或是在室內人多地方要保持適當社交距離, 或是在可能受感染時留在家中, 不宜外出等。至於在公共地方提供洗手液, 更是政府要推動的政策, 不宜一下子完全放寬。

我們明白在動盪的世界, 真正的平安, 源於我們對造物者的信心, 而不是政府或政權。

周偉文 社長

Turmoil and Peace

The war in Ukraine has entered into a new phase. While Ukraine is recouping its territory, Russia conducted referendums in occupied Ukraine territories on joining Russia. The Western nations are not recognising such outcome under Russia’s influence. Putin signed executive orders to declare the jurisdiction and threatened to use nuclear power to protect Russia’s territories. The UN has not responded but the push of Ukraine’s membership into the NATO would entail a war of a bigger scale.

Other nations with vast population such as China, India and Brazil are yet to take a stance. So, it is still unclear whether Russia could engulf part of Ukraine. But I still believe our Creator God would be with humanity in writing history and would not allow wicked happenings to prevail.

At the same time the Australian government has announced people tested Covid positive would no longer be required to isolate, thinking people would cope suitably and given the medical system would be fine with mass vaccination done. The threat seems to have gone for now.

In response, medical experts in general however regard the pandemic is not over yet. The abolishment of pay compensation due to Covid isolation has left Covid as a personal issue to tackle.  

We should not go along with the government shedding its responsibility on this count. Although taking care of personal health is an individual’s  responsibility, the government must educate the public on how Covid could affect individual, the community and the society.

After a chaotic three years amid confusing information circulating in the community, the government must fund publicity in future health guidelines. As Victorian CMO Brett Sutton said we have to adopt the Asian culture of wearing masks whenever necessary, abiding social distancing, practising self-isolating when ill. Providing hand sanitizers in public places is another measure the government must insist on.

I know in a world of turmoil the real peace can only come with our faith in our God rather than a government.

Mr. Raymond Chow, Publisher

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