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722 懷著信心面對改變

Face changes with faith

從上一期到今期, 只不過是14天, 我們看見世界變得不再一樣了。

我們由龍年進入到蛇年, 相信運程的會認為自己生命會有改變吧。特朗普就職成為美國總統, 立時開展了美國脫離世界合作的領域, 巴黎氣候協議、WHO、北美自由貿易協議等, 美國都離開了。以色列與哈馬斯停戰了, 很可能俄烏戰爭也無法繼續下去, 不過大家都在談論歐盟是否會駐軍格陵蘭, 又或是中國是否真的控制著巴拿馬運河, 而美國又會否有可能軍事控制它呢? 一天之間, 全世界都知道DeepSeek, 更知道全球巿值最高的公司, 一天之間巿值消失百分之十七。更令人震驚的, 一直被打壓的中國人工智能發展, 竟然在簡單的技術下,比得上西方擁有高科技的巨頭企業。

這一切, 都是叫人震驚, 認為是不可能的事, 或是不容易發生的事, 原來可以在我們意料之外,呈現在我們眼前。


帝國的興衰, 無時無刻都在發生。歐洲野蠻人攻入認為是不會倒下的羅馬城時, 大家都在問: 原來迫害基督教的帝國, 變成人人都是信徒時, 神卻不眷顧相信祂的人, 令帝國瓦解? 中國漢朝威名遠播西域,卻在其後, 中亞民族卻佔據中國北方。曾幾何時高度文明的宋朝華夏文明, 卻成為蒙古帝國的奴隸。西方社會, 在數百年之間, 歐洲多國包括葡萄牙、西班牙、荷蘭、英國、法國、德國等先後興起成為霸主, 卻今天大多只保留著昔日的光輝。

還有百多年來長期經歷戰亂的中華帝國, 今天結合西方共產主義建立的強國, 重新主導世界舞台, 亦令到不少華人來到澳洲定居, 成為澳洲多元文化社會的一部分。其中從香港來說廣東話的, 更能體驗歷史轉變的快速及無奈, 只盼今天能在澳洲紥根融入成家。

回顧歷史, 看到今天, 很多人心中會感到唏噓。不過,若我們能從那位, 比所有電腦人工智能都偉大、創造生命並掌管歷史的神眼中去看這一個世界的話, 我相信前路仍會有盼望。

在新年伊始, 祝各位讀者新年進步, 懷著信心及盼望, 面對不可知的世界。

周偉文, 社長

Face changes with faith

Only in 14 days from our last issue, we are all in a different world.

As we step into the Lunar NY of the Snake from the Dragon, people would believe a change of fate could happen. As soon as Trump was inaugurated as the US president, the US started cutting tie with Paris Climate Convention, WHO, North America Free Trade Agreement….. Iseral has ceased fire with Hamas, Russia and Ukraine might no longer fight, and people are pondering whether EU would put troop on Greenland or whether China is in control of the Panama Canal as America is talking up her military intervention. Within a day, DeepSeek becomes world famous, and the world’s company with the highest market value crashed by 17%, it is unbelievable that the development of AI in China long been suppressed at it’s low technological level is now matching up with Western capital-intensive enterprises.

All seen as shocking and impossible could happen in front of our eyes in a sudden.

This is nothing new in human history.

Empires come and go. When the European barbarians took over the infallible Roman City then, people were questioning why a nation of Christians, formerly anti-Christ though, could not be protected by God. China in the Han Dynasty once dominating into the western territories was eventually occupied by foreign tribes in the north. The once civilised Song Dynasty went into slave under the Mongolian Empire. In the Western world, over a few centuries, Portugal, Spain, Holland, England, France and German took turns to build their own empires… yet all become history by now.

China, a country suffering wars and turmoils for long, in a western-amalgamated communism, has evolved as a world leader. Many Chinese migrated to Australia as part of the multicultural society. Those Cantonese speaking from Hong Kong in particular have experienced historical changes to their disbelief and their only hope would be to well integrate into the Australian society,

Many would feel speechless when they look back history. But if we could have a perspective on the world as with the One who excels all AI, creates life and controls history, we would have hope.

As the Lunar New Year begins, we wish all readers a good start with faith and hope in this ever changing world.

Mr. Raymond Chow, Publisher