715 時窮節乃現
True Character Reveals in Times of Crisis

小時候唸文天祥的《正氣歌》, 感受到這位不屈的南宋承相,相信人性中有對義及善的堅持。文天祥在極困難的環境下, 仍能執著這些信念, 不過在今天的世界中, 我們常見到與之相反的情況。
中華文化源遠流長, 其中很多先賢所倡導的, 確是值得我們欣賞及堅持。不過可惜在3000多年歷史之間, 管治者仍未擺脫不重視人民作為人的基本權利, 而是把人民當作滿足管治者的工具。歷代以來, 管治者認為人民只要有得吃, 便要服從管治者, 包括要接受管治階層把人民看成為奴隸甚至殘民以自肥的管治。今天中國社會可能已變得很先進及經濟發達, 但管治者好像和以前的, 沒有多大的分別。
2019年香港社會運動後, 中國改變了對香港的管治方式。面對這改變, 一些在以前被香港人視為人人都有的社會權利, 在「國家安全」的旗旘之下, 香港人都不再擁有了。上一期,我們報導了香港47人案中一些被定罪的被告表達的求情心聲, 不少人認為參與初選只是在法律之下, 行使港人的政治權利。不過今天法庭的判決, 是參與初選若是要動搖管治者, 就被視為違法。今期及下一期, 我們會繼續刊出其餘人仕的看法, 盼望能把這一段歷史, 記錄下來。
今天我們生活在民主自由, 並且人人可以隨時批評政治領袖及政府, 而不會失去自由的澳洲, 自是沒有權利去要求今天仍然生活在香港的人, 該如何去回應這轉變。不過, 我把歷史記錄下來, 讓時間及那掌管歷史的創造者, 能在將來向世界顯明, 公義不會缺席, 正是我持守的信仰, 能夠堅持的事。
《同路人》今期開始進入第21年, 我盼望在未來仍能夠堅持初心, 祝福社區及與讀者分享一個神今天仍然掌管世界的信念。同時間我們也堅持在澳洲生活所享受到相當程度的民主、自由、法治及重視人權, 是世界上每一個人都應該有的權利。讓我們不會忘記我們生活的原居地, 不管是香港、中國、台灣或東南亞諸國, 那些與我們文化有同一根源, 今天仍受到不同程度的壓迫綑綁的朋友, 我們會記念他們的境況, 為他們禱告。
我相信, 對堅持善和義的人, 是不會被人忘記的。
周偉文 社長
True Character Reveals in Times of Crisis
When I was young, I read The Song of Righteousness by Wen Tianxiang and was deeply moved by this unyielding Southern Song prime minister, who believed in the steadfastness of humanity’s commitment to righteousness and goodness. Wen Tianxiang clung to these beliefs even under extremely difficult circumstances. However, in today’s world, we often see the opposite.
Chinese culture has a long history, and many of the virtues advocated by our ancestors are indeed worthy of appreciation and persistence. Sadly, over 3,000 years of history, rulers have failed to respect the basic human rights of the people, treating them instead as mere tools to satisfy their own desires. Throughout history, rulers believed that as long as people were fed, they should submit to authority, including accepting governance that viewed them as slaves or even oppressed them for self-enrichment. Today, despite China’s advancements and economic prosperity, the rulers seem no different from those of the past.
After the 2019 Hong Kong social movement, China changed its approach to governing Hong Kong. In the face of this shift, many of the societal rights once considered by Hongkongers as universal no longer exist under the banner of “national security.” In our previous issue, we reported on the heartfelt pleas of some defendants convicted in the Hong Kong 47 case. Many believe that participating in the pre-election was merely an exercise of their political rights within the legal framework. However, today’s court rulings suggest that participating in the pre-election, if aimed at challenging the authorities, is now considered illegal. In this and the following issue, we will continue to publish the views of the remaining individuals, hoping to document this period of history.
Living in Australia, where we enjoy democracy, freedom, and the ability to criticize political leaders and the government without fear of losing our liberty, we have no right to demand how those still living in Hong Kong should respond to these changes. However, by documenting history, we allow time and the Creator who governs history to reveal to the world that justice will not be absent. This is my faith and the conviction I can hold onto.
As Sameway enters its 21st year, I hope to continue to uphold my original intent: to bless the community and share with readers the belief that God still governs the world today. At the same time, we remain committed to the democracy, freedom, rule of law, and respect for human rights that we enjoy in Australia, which are rights everyone in the world should have. Let us not forget our homeland—whether it be Hong Kong, China, Taiwan, or Southeast Asian countries—and those who share the same cultural roots but still face varying degrees of oppression. We will remember their circumstances and pray for them.
I believe those who hold fast to righteousness and goodness will not be forgotten.
Mr. Raymond Chow, the publisher