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712 不能忽視移民的政治素養

Political literacy of immigrants cannot be ignored

早前墨爾本研究員楊凡(Fan Yang), 與新南威爾士大學研究員 Sukhmani Khorana教授發表了一項有關華裔及南亞裔移民對政治素養的研究。在2023及2024年, 她們對192名來自中國及印度的移民進行訪問, 瞭解他們對澳洲民主政治的認識及參與。研究發現超過一半來自中國的受訪者表示他們並不完全明白澳洲民主選舉制度, 而來自世界上最大的民主印度的移民, 仍有接近一半表示對澳洲民主制度不瞭解。

兩地移民對參與民主選舉的態度也不完全一樣,他們對政治新聞都感興趣, 並且願意主動參與。不少人曾參與過請願、抗議及示威等政治活動, 其中華人比印度人更熱心。在決定投票時, 他們會考慮候選人的政治主張、社會及政治背景, 與其他澳洲投票者相似。不過華人亦會考慮候選人對中國的看法, 及他們對中、港及台灣的政治立場, 而印度人則會多考慮候選人的聲望。

這些關心政治的移民, 並不一定會考慮投票給自己族裔的候選人, 但卻認為候選人要能代表自己的民族社區。不過,進一步研究發現, 對政治制度缺乏認識的移民, 會更傾向投票支持與他們有相同文化背景的候選人而不一定要明白他們的政綱。

這一項研究提醒澳洲主流的執政者, 隨著亞洲移民佔澳洲人口比例漸高, 爭取澳洲選民的支持和認同的方法, 也在改變之中。若澳洲社會不提升移民的政治素養, 而傳統政黨又忽視與他們建立關係, 這些極具影響力的新移民手上的選票投向何處, 便很容易被各種因素所主導。這時, 澳洲社會的穩定性及政府施政方向, 便有可能產生變化。

《衛報》剛發表的一項民意調查, 表示雖然大部份澳洲人仍認同原住民在社會的角色及重要性, 但卻不同意要與他們簽訂和解條約。明顯地, 大量的新移民, 對原住民認識都不多, 就算認同原住民對這片土地的主權, 相信對簽訂和解條約也不會太熱心,可見新移民的確是在影響澳洲社會的價值觀及發展方向。


周偉文 社長

Lately Melbourne researcher Fan Yang and Professor Sukhmani Khorana from University of NSW jointly published a study report on the literacy of Chinese and South Asian immigrants on Australian politics. In 2023 and 2024, they interviewed 192 Chinese and Indian immigrants to learn about their understanding and involvement in Australian democratic politics. Over half of the Chinese respondents said they were not fully aware of the election system here, and almost half of those from the largest democratic country of the world returned similar result.

They held different outlook on democratic election. They felt interest in political news and in joining. Many participated in political rally and protest activities, more on the Chinese. In casting votes, they would examine the agenda of the candidates and their social and political background, similar to many local Australians. Chinese votes would take into account on the candidates’ approach in handling China especially their political views in relation to Hong Kong and Taiwan, whereas Indians pay more attention to the candidates’ reputation.

These immigrants with an interest in politics may not necessary vote for candidates of their own ethnic but more on whether they would represent the ethnic community they are living in. A more detailed study on those who did not have good understanding on politics could simply vote for candidates of their own cultural background without clearly knowing their political agenda.

This study reminds the mainstream politicians, with the growing Asian immigrant population, they have to pay attention in gaining their electorate support. If this country does not enhance the political literacy of immigrants, and if the major parties remain indifferent to their needs, this massive voting power would slip out of their hands. The outcome may not be good on the stability of the society and on the smooth implementation of government policies.

The Guardian just released a poll result telling while most of the nation acknowledge the social status and role of Indigenous people, we do not feel the signing of a Treaty with them is necessary. Obviously, majority of the new immigrants are not aware of such a background of the First People, hence they would not have supported a Treaty on their inhabiting sovereignty.  This illustrates how immigrants could really impacting on the value and direction of the whole nation.

Time for the government to take a serious look on how to integrate immigrants for building a better multicultural society.

Mr. Raymond Chow, The Publisher