682 我的一個夢
My dream
過去三個月,《同路人》有兩位的支持者, 都因為意外離開了世界, 我的心有戚戚然的感覺。
他們一位是從事幼兒教育的Phil, 而另一位是在華人社區相當活躍,從事冷氣行業的Jackie, 他們離世, 令人惋惜。不約而同他們都是基督徒, 一直對《同路人》要成為華人社區的橋樑, 並協助華人移民融入社區的異象, 作為信仰的實踐, 給我實質的支持和鼓勵,令我感動。
尤記得19 年前創刊時, 我們6位基督徒都懷著要與社區同行, 作為信仰實踐。Henry突然回了天家, 不過活到最後一天仍堅持著這異象。YeEn 回到馬來西亞,直到今天在當地仍堅持和我們走同一條實踐信仰的路。Katherine雖已移居美國,仍關心我們這裏的事工。我與Vinola仍在墨爾本守著當年的呼召,不過在開始的團隊中,亦有人否定今天《同路人》的社會使命及價值, 令我感到唏噓不已。
但像Phil和Jackie這樣的支持者, 卻令我欣慰。
很多人認為出版文字刊物,在今天互聯網及社交平台成為生活一部份下,已失去價值,但這並不是事實。不錯,互聯網確實令到訊息傳遞變得很容易,而社交平台更有利人與人交換信息,但它們都不是媒體,無法與人交流討論複雜問題,更談不上影響及改變人的價值觀。因此互聯網及社交平台已成了最大的虛假訊息來源,令到重要訊息無法傳開。只有嘩眾取寵及誇大誤導的內容,才受人關注。Phil和Jackie都是要建立良好品牌的生意經營者,他們認同本刊在社會扮演的功能及效果, 一直使用我們的廣告服務, 都是與我一起走過這19年的同路人。
細心的讀者會發現,我們最近半年幾乎沒有來自政府的廣告,因為政府已把差不多所有的宣傳資源投放在互聯網的大數據搜尋引擎之中。這是絕對錯誤的政策。多元文化社區媒體在建立一個整合及互相接納的澳洲社會,扮演著重要的角色, 而投放在搜尋引擎中或社交平台的資源, 對建立社區毫無幫助。盼望澳洲政府能正視多元文化媒體的價值, 改變現時的政策。
周偉文, 社長
My dream
Over the past three months, I felt very sad as two supporters of Sameway passed away on accident.
One is Phil working on children education and the other is Jackie on air-conditioner trade who was very active in the Chinese community. Both of them were Christians willing to walk their faith by helping Chinese immigrants in the community. They touched me a lot with their support and encouragement.
I remember 19 years ago when six of us as Christian aimed to launch a magazine with our faith. Although Henry passed away suddenly but he held on to this vision till the last day. YeEn went back to Malaysia but he insists going in our same life direction. Katherine moved to the US but keeps a close care with us. I and Vinola in Melbourne remained with our first calling then. Yet I feel down when some people still reject the social mission and value of Sameway.
But I am pleased to have come across Phil and Jackie.
It is untrue for people to think that printed publication is no longer needed in this era of internet and social media where mass information can be swiftly communicated. Yes short messages and information can be distributed quickly over the internet, but they are not media that can allow deeper exchange to the extent that they can impact on our values. With internet and social media becoming platforms for fake information and exaggerated reporting to attract audiences, there is no place for serious matters there. Both Phil and Jackie were serious in building their business brand; they agreed with what Sameway could do and help in the community. So they continued as our advertisement patrons for the past 19 years.
Discerned readers might notice that we did not have advertisement coming from the government for the past six months. Because the government has diverted almost all advertising resource to the internet and mega data side. This is wrong. Ethnic media plays an important role in building harmony of a coherent society. Resources over to search engines and social media platforms makes no good to community building. I hope the government can review this policy by giving ethnic media higher priority and support.
But I still have faith in our Sameway supporters; so long as we contend in our greatest effort, amid financial difficulty we can earn recognition and support through our advertisement, thus keeping this high quality and community-building publication afloat.
It is my dream that, if God gives us more resources, this would be the best time for us to provide a good Chinese community publication in support of Chinese immigrants in becoming Australians.
Mr. Raymond Chow, Publisher