680 戰略性平衡
Strategic Equilibrium
外交部長黃英賢周一在國家出版俱樂部 (National Press Club)發表演講, 提出了澳洲要在這地區扮演著戰略性平衡的角色, 而非把太平洋成為美國及中國爭霸的焦點。為此她提出了尊重美國在這地區的領導地位, 同時間要尊重中國在這地區的影響力, 而澳洲可以在兩個大國之間作出平衡的角色。
這樣的說法, 有別於前總理莫里森的說法, 就是澳洲要與美國及其它國家攜手維持地區現時的狀態。她指出在這地區要成為一個開放、穩定及繁榮的地區。 是一個可以預測的、有大家都同意的規則、標準及法律。沒有一個國家主導一切, 也沒有國家被其它國家主導。在這地區, 每一個主權國家都受到尊重, 而所有國家都可以從這戰略性平衡中獲益。
不過黃英賢指出台海和平對這地區的重要性。她認為在台海的戰爭對每一個國家都帶來災難, 而澳洲要致力降低可能衝突的升溫。對於澳中關係, 黃英賢表示阿爾巴尼斯政府會保持冷靜及前後一致, 在可能的地方合作, 在需要時堅持不同意, 並且有智慧地處理大家的分歧, 澳洲的底線是中國會繼續是中國。
黃英賢所說的, 是理想的狀態, 在她上任這十個月, 我們見到澳洲沒有一面倒地盲目跟隨美國, 而是盡力保持地區國家之間的合作。中國與澳洲政府之間重新開始接觸,不過中澳關係亦沒有恢復到2016年兩國極度友好時的關係。不過從維州州長安德魯斯及西澳州州長麥高文先後訪華, 加強這兩州與中國的經濟合作, 及中國取消大麥入口中國關稅, 可見澳中關係正在改善。
不過, 現時的「回暖」,主要由於澳洲沒有挑釁而中國又因著自身的經濟情況及國際關係而略為降低了對抗的姿態, 主動權不在澳洲。黃英賢所說的戰略性平衡,是否能實現或是取得進展, 相信除了是外交官員的手腕, 還要看澳洲在軍事實力、經濟合作及能否與這地區內不同國家建立維持地區和平的決心。
在其中, 我相信華裔澳洲人在推動澳洲經濟合作上, 是可以扮演重要角色的。
周偉文, 社長
Strategic Equilibrium
Foreign Minister Penny Wong made a speech at the National Press Club on Monday, telling Australia has to play a ‘strategic equilibrium’ role in our region, not allowing the Pacific to become platform of the US-China conflict. While she respects both the US’s leading position and China’s influencing power in the area, she said Australia’s role could be to strike the balance.
This approach is different from the previous position of Morrison where Australia was to join up with the US and other nations in maintaining the prevailing one then. She said this region must be an open, stable and prosperous one. All must work on a predictable and agreeable rules, standards and laws. No nation should dominate and no nation should be dominated. Every severity in the region to be respected, and every nation to be benefited from the strategic equilibrium attained.
Penny yet pointed out the area relies on the peace of the Taiwan Strait. Any war there could bring disaster to many countries and Australia must strive to calm the temperature. For Australia-China relation, Penny said the Albanese government will be mindful and consistent, Australia will cooperate whenever possible and will stand firm if needed. The bottom line is Australia will take China as China and will exercise wisdom in our differences.
Penny is talking about an ideal situation. Over her past ten months of service, Australia has not been following US blindly in working together with our foreign neighbours. We revived our relation with China but not to the good state as we were in 2016. Certainly, the condition is improving following economic visits by the Premiers of Victoria and WA, while China has lifted tariff on our barley trade.
This cooling down season comes mainly because Australia has stopped provocation and China wants to ease off having regard to the economy and international relation. Australia has never been in control. The success of this ‘strategic equilibrium’ is not just about foreign policy but depends on Australian military power and economic partnership with other nations in maintaining the stability of the region.
I believe Chinese Australian can play a role in promoting the economic cooperation.
Mr. Raymond Chow, Publisher