664 一名視野寬闊的移民者
An immigrant with a wide vision
歌星奧莉花紐頓莊 (Olivia Newton-John)在周一於美國逝世, 享年73歲。澳洲社會不少人都在談論紐頓莊這一個澳洲神話。
紐頓莊並不是道地的澳洲人。紐頓莊在英國劍橋出生, 5歲時一家隨著擔任德文教授的父親移民墨爾本, 成為澳洲人。14歲時她與同學組成自己的樂隊,在咖啡室唱歌, 17歲贏得電視歌唱比賽冠軍, 得到訪問英國的機會, 開始了她在英國的歌唱事業。直到1975年, 她轉到美國發展, 1978年她擔任歌舞片「油脂」的女主角, 成為國際巨星, 也成為了每一個澳洲女孩子的偶像。
紐頓莊與澳洲關係密切。她在1992年患上癌症後,積極推動癌症研究及對病者關懷, 2012年在墨爾本Austin 醫院成立的ONJ Cancer Wellness and Research Centre成為了紐頓莊的最大成就。紐頓莊為籌建這中心, 籌款數億元捐款, 不單開拓了對治療癌症的研究, 更從幫助癌症病人及家庭面對這個挑戰作出努力。紐頓莊後期的音樂, 不少與她面對癌症的心路歷程有關, 給人極大的安慰。
紐頓莊對愛護動物、環境保護及各樣慈善事業都極熱心。她最後一次演出是在2020年2月在悉尼為救助受山火影響災民籌款演出。雖然她不在澳洲出生, 而且只在澳洲度過她的青少年時代, 卻以自己為澳洲人為榮, 一直以來為澳洲作出貢獻。她在2000年悉尼奧運及澳式足球總決賽參加演出, 表達了她與澳洲的緊密關係。
其實, 紐頓莊並不是純正的英國移民。她的外祖父Max Born在1952年因為創建了量子力學而得到諾貝爾物理學獎。Max Born 是一名德國籍的猶太人, 因為受到納粹政府的壓迫而到了英國愛丁堡大學任教。女兒Irene Born與英國情報人員結婚生下了Olivia。Olivia有猶太人血統, 也與德國、英國、澳洲及美國關係密切, 就像今天多元文化澳洲的移民一樣。紐頓莊對澳洲的熱愛及對人類的愛心, 令到澳洲人自豪, 以她為代表。維州州長安德魯斯表示, 會徵求紐頓莊家人的同意, 為她舉行國家葬禮, 不單表揚她的卓越演藝成就, 更表達她對這一個國家推動關懷癌症病人的貢獻。
今天, 澳洲變成全球最多元文化的國家, 紐頓莊所展示的, 正是澳洲這一片土地, 給了不同族裔移民一個無限發展機會, 及這些移民對澳洲這一個國家的熱情和關愛。
周偉文 社長
An immigrant with a wide vision
Singing star Olivia Newton-John passed away in US on Monday at the age of 73. People here are talking about this Australian legend.
Olivia was not locally born but in UK Cambridge. She migrated to Melbourne at the age of 5 with her father coming as a German professor. She formed her own band at 14, performing in cafes with schoolmates. At 17 she won the champion in a TV singing contest giving her the chance to visit UK where she pursued her music career thereafter. By 1975 she was in the US music arena and in 1978 she became a world star artist with her prominent actress role in the movie ‘Grease’. That made her an idol to many Australian young girls.
Olivia has a close tie with Australia. Since diagnosed with cancer in 1992 she has been devoted in cancer research and caring for cancer patients. The establishment of the ONJ Cancer Wellness and Research Centre in Melbourne Austin hospital was her great achievement. Hundreds of millions were raised through the process, research works were advanced and many families of patients were offered support in their hardship. Her music career in the later stage was quite affiliated to her life experience in fighting against cancer and rendered comfort to many others in the situation alike.
Olivia was also keen in animal caring, environmental protection and other charity items. Her last performance was in February 2020 at Sydney doing fund raising for the NSW bush fire. Although she was not born in Australia and only spent her teenager years here, she still felt proud of being an Australian and was willing to give her share as one. Her performances in Sydney for the 2000 Olympic and the AFL Grand Final fully demonstrated her intimate relation with this nation.
Actually Olivia was not of a pure English origin. Her grandfather Max Born won the Noble Prize in 1952 for his uncovering of quantum mechanics. Being a German Jew under Nazi repercussion, he went to UK as a professor of Edinburgh University. His daughter Irene Born married to a British MI5 agent and give birth to Olivia. Therefore, she has Jewish heritance, and has close relationships with German, UK, Australia, US etc., as with many multi-cultural Australians are. Australia should be proud of her passion with this country and her love on humanity. Victoria Premier Andrew is seeking agreement with her family for holding a state funeral in recognition of her performing status and more so her contribution in caring for cancer patients in our country.
Australia is deemed to be the most multicultural nation. Olivia has demonstrated here is a land of diversity and opportunity where different ethnic groups are settling together in passion and love.
Mr. Raymond Chow, Publisher