659 多元文化族裔有接收正確訊息的權利
Multicultural communities have the right for accessing correct information
聯邦大選周六進行投票, 相信結果很快便會知道。
如大多數民調正確, 工黨將大勝, 立時組成新政府, 在未來日子, 在人民的信任和授權下, 帶領澳洲人走向一個不可知的將來。如聯盟黨政府能繼續執政, 大家盼望所熟悉的莫里森會未來三年, 以較聽取民意負責任的態度, 來與澳洲人疫後重建。不用流血或使用武力, 只要努力爭取國民支持, 就能以和平的方式, 給國民一個選擇, 萬一組成政府者在未來三年, 沒有兌現競選承諾, 澳洲人三年後, 就可以用手上的選票把這政府趕下台, 這就是民主政體的可貴之處。
在這次競選中, 有數個華裔選民佔較多人口的選區, 成為全國焦點, 包括Chisholm, Bennelong, Reid, Paramatta 等。Chisholm 選區的廖嬋娥議員, 三年來備受主流媒體懷疑為中國共產黨代理人,卻從未有聽聞澳洲國安局表示她有這樣的嫌疑, 向她進行調查。除非我們認為澳洲國安局人員全被中國政府收買, 不然怎能解釋這一個指控的合理性? 不過, 在這次選舉之中, 在微信中批評廖嬋娥最厲害的, 卻是她對中國懷有敵意, 極力支持澳洲政府制造中澳之間的緊張關係。稍為有多看微信內容的人, 怎麼還會堅決認為打擊廖嬋娥, 拿走她的每一張選票, 就是打擊了中共的幼稚行為?
不過, 在各個中文社交媒體平台, 虛假資訊確是一個未來政府不能忽視的問題。過往澳洲政府認為中文媒體及社交平台, 都只是影響少數族裔的生活, 根本沒有人要理會。但華裔佔澳洲社會一個重要比例, 澳洲華人要繼續自成一國, 並拒絕接納澳洲價值觀, 把自己鎖在受中國政府監控的資訊平台之下, 卻又是澳洲社會不能坐視不理的處境。
這一次聯邦大選, 各個政黨的宣傳都要受到澳洲選舉處監督, 唯獨微訊平台卻是例外, 我相信澳洲政府明顯是失職, 沒有保護華裔澳洲人, 要有接收正確競選資訊的權利。這是對來自世界不同地區的華人絕對不公平的事, 是破壞澳洲多元文化的基礎, 更危害澳洲的國家安全。
我相信, 是時候澳洲政府要重視, 協助華裔澳洲人及其他少數族裔, 有效率地接收正確有關世界訊息的時候。單單設立SBS, 明顯是不足夠, 只是虛應故事而已。
周偉文 社長
Multicultural communities have the right for accessing correct information
Not for long we can tell the outcome of the Federal Election 2022.
According to the polls, Labor should be able to win as a new government with the mandate of the people in leading the nation into a new chapter. And if the Coalitions could stay then people are expecting our PM Morrison turning to a post-Covid leader who is more responsive to public opinions in the future. The good thing about democracy is the people can choose who should be in power, without resorting to any violence; and the vested power can lose support from the public in three years if the election promises are not kept.
In this election there are several electorates under heated contest where ethnic Chinese population forms considerable portion, such as in Chisholm, Bennelong, Reid, Paramatta. In particular for Gladys Liu of Chisholm who has been under accusation as a Chinese Communist agency by the mainstream media over the past three years, but has never been an object of investigation by the Australian Security Council. Hence how could this be true unless even the Security Council was part of the conspiracy. But in this election, she was under constant attack in the WeChat circles for her hostility towards China in supporting the Australian’s anti-China sentiment. From discussions circulated in WeChat, how could one be misled to boycott Gladys for the purpose of counteracting the childish behaviour of the Chinese Communists?
But the issue of misinformation throughout various Chinese social media platform must be tackled by the future government. In the past the government might regard this insignificant as it was only going to impact on the very minorities. But if so many Chinese Australians form their own communication circle under the influence of the Chinese government while not in line with Australian values then it could be a problem for governance.
The election activities of the various political parties are being monitored by the Australian Election Commission, but not covering the WeChat platform. I think the government is not doing its job in protecting Australian Chinese from being fed with misinformation on election. This is unfair to all Chinese, spoiling our multicultural foundation and threatening our national security.
I think our government must seriously reconsider how the Chinese and ethnic minorities could access correct global information. SBS alone as a gesture is inadequate.
Mr. Raymond Chow, Publisher