657 聯邦大選至今令人失望
A disappointing Federal Election to date
聯邦大選訂在5月21日舉行, 選戰立時展開。首週工黨的攻擊焦點在於證明總理莫里森沒有誠信卻未能成功, 而反對黨領袖阿爾巴尼斯意外地讓公眾發現, 他竟然不知道現時的失業率及聯邦儲備利率。民調顯示公眾對工黨能否帶領澳洲面對不可知的未來, 信心即時下降。阿爾巴尼斯事後表示, 他是人, 是會犯錯誤的, 不過他是願意承認錯失的人。阿爾巴尼斯為自己的不足辯解卻是錯了, 問題不是他一時想不起這些數字, 而是澳洲人對他管好國家經濟的能力, 失去了信心。
明顯地, 新冠大流行將要過去, 每一個澳洲人都盼望能把新冠病毒留在回憶之中。如何重建社會運作, 恢復國民對前路的信心, 走出被隔離及不可知的陰影, 全頼領袖們知道我們該澳洲社會該如何走下去。新一屆政府領袖要向澳洲國民展現出,他知道澳洲的困局, 並且能帶領我們找到出路, 更有能力組成團結又堅強的管治團隊, 在不同層面合作及配搭。
現時的莫里森政府卻顯示出作為領導者, 他無法團結自由黨內不同的聲音, 在大選前夕仍要在法庭訴訟, 才能決定誰能代表自由黨參選? 也有候選人過去曾有爭議性的言論, 這時也有其他自由黨的議員落井下石, 加以批評。這樣的情境, 令人對自由黨若真的勝出時, 仍會為它擔心可以組成怎樣的政府, 進行管治?有人認為莫里森是一位能力極高的競選者, 而且努力地管治, 卻無法有成為一個政治領袖, 這確實是澳洲選民要認真考慮的問題。
反對黨領袖阿爾巴尼斯, 卻至今仍未讓人見到他到底有甚麼才能?對澳洲社會的問題, 他只是提出工黨一貫的目標, 卻無具體方案解決實際問題。而且工黨過去一屆對聯盟黨政府政策, 亦少有批評和提出建設性修訂, 無法令人產生信任。
面對這種情況, 出現了選民放棄兩大政黨而轉向支持較小政黨的傾向。現時綠黨、國家黨、澳洲聯合黨及獨立候選人的聲勢極大, 令人憂慮在沒有政黨能取得過半數席位, 而出現懸峙政府的局面。這樣組成的少數黨政府, 在未來施政上, 將會出現極大困難。
澳洲大選, 何去何從, 還待這數周競選運動中, 讓澳洲一起去反省, 這一個國家到底要如何走下去?
周偉文, 社長
A disappointing Federal Election to date
The federal election will take place on 21/5. As the campaign kicked off, the Labor Party first attacked on PM Morrison’s integrity but did not succeed, while Albanese unexpectedly exposed his ignorance on the current unemployment rate and RBA’s interest rate. This was instantly reflected in the poll showing public confidence as on whether Labor can lead a nation amid uncertainties. Albanese admitted that he is prone to human error and he is willing to take responsibility. His mistake was not just a blank on these data but rather people lost faith in his ability to manage our national economy.
The Covid pandemic is coming to an end and nobody wants to stay where we were. Our leaders must be able to tell us how to rebuild our society, to recover our confidence, to come out from isolation and uncertainty. The new government leader must be able to tell what is the problem and what should be the solution, we need a way out and we need a strong and capable administration team to function effectively in various dimensions.
The Morrison government is revealing their failure to unite various forces within the Liberal party, with court fighting still on who should stand for election. When a candidate put up some controversial speech, the others just jump on an attack. This is worrying as we wouldn’t know what sort of government will be formed even if Liberal wins. Some people regard Morrison is a capable and dedicated candidate but still he could not serve as a good political leader. There is much left to
Albanese is yet to demonstrate his ability. On social issues, he is just banking on the usual Labor direction but without solid policy in support of. Over this term the Opposition has not been making much constructive criticism to convince the public.
As such, votes may turn to other minor parties in lieu of the two major ones. Now campaigns from parties like the Green, National, United Australian as well as other independent candidates are building up. But without a majority win and hanging government may result meaning it would be very difficult for future governance of the country.
Where are we going in the upcoming election? Let’s reflect on our future.
Mr. Raymond Chow, Publisher