654 無奈之中仍堅持美善
Goodness will prevail in all circumstances
香港疫情爆發, 不單是感染人數如預期大幅增加, 而且死亡人數急遽飃升, 原因為年長者已接種疫苗比例偏低, 情況令人關注, 不過不少醫護人員, 仍堅守崗位, 沒有離棄在困苦中的病人。香港一直執行中國所定清零政策, 沒有如澳洲般強調疫苗接種, 更沒有重視長者為高危群組優先接種疫苗, 導致今天令人痛心的情況出現, 不過這沒有影響醫護人員堅守本份的決心。在本地我的港人朋友, 不少在關心在香港的親友, 努力勸說他們的父母長輩接種疫苗, 令我見到他們對親友的關愛。
兩週前俄羅斯揮兵侵略烏克蘭, 震動全球人心。在第二次大戰後出生的人, 大多未曾想過侵略戰爭會在歐洲發生。我們相信國與國之間的爭執, 可以通過在聯合國的斡旋, 或是大國之間商討, 又或是以雙方的利益作出協商而不必要動用武力解決。多年來只有一些局部性的戰爭, 基本上全球國家已不接受公然侵略別的國家及佔領別國領土的行為。俄羅斯今天侵略烏克蘭, 突然間讓全世界看見, 人類和大戰之前一樣, 並不一定會從歷史中汲取教訓, 世界和平仍只是一個幻想, 不過大家仍盼望事件會有出路。
澳洲東岸昆士蘭及新州兩周前突然出現持續大雨, 不單多處地方出現水浸、河流氾濫成災, 房屋財物受損, 更有死傷, 令人感到惶恐及沮喪。聯邦及各州政府公佈支援方案, 各地澳洲人及志願團體支援湧至, 一時之間大家放下新冠疫情, 同心支持受影響的社區。
這一切的天災人禍, 再一次提醒我們, 不管我們在任何環境, 生活都不是一定美好無憂, 而是我們要帶著信心、盼望和勇氣去面對各樣的不可知。邪惡的力量是真實存在, 不過我們要按著人心中的美善, 以愛心來回應。
在烏克蘭被侵略及在澳洲水災之中, 我們見到不少人展現出勇氣, 例如烏克蘭總統堅決留在基輔, 與人民共同面對侵略者, 又或是各地捐助澳洲水災陷在困境的人, 都叫我們相信, 這世界之中, 還有值得我們堅持的美善。
Goodness will prevail in all circumstances
The recent Covid outbreak in Hong Kong has not just caused ballooning in case number but sadly an upsurge in fatality especially for the elderly due to their very low vaccination rate. Health care workers have been working around the clock in looking after the patients. Hong Kong has been following China’s ‘dynamic zero’ strategy but short of boosting vaccination like in Australia let alone making the elderly as priority. The situation is very worrying, but not to an extent that the health care workers give up their determination in coping. My local friends here are showing their grave concern on their connection in Hong Kong by persuading them to be vaccinated.
Two weeks ago, Russia’s invasion of Ukraine has alarmed the world with those born after WWII never seen a war in Europe. We believe national conflicts could be sorted out by the UN, or through negotiation between powers, without going into wars in the mutual interest of the nations concerned. In so many years we only got military conflict on a localised basis, as it has been a general world consensus that no country should openly conquer another country. Russia’s invasion tells us that human never learn from history on war, and peace cannot be take for granted. We should keep hoping that the crisis could be over soon.
On the eastern coast of Australia, flash storm and river flooding hit extensive areas in Queensland and NSW two weeks ago, causing massive damage to property and resulting in human loss. This was very dampening and distressing. Governments at all levels handed out support aids and many local voluntary bodies came into rescue, all leave their covid flight and join hands to help out the affected communities.
All these disaster and calamity remind us of how fragile could be our state of living no matter where, we can only face the uncertainty with faith, hope and courage. Dark forces are around us, but we can still live with goodness and love inside ourselves.
In Ukraine’s war and Australia’s flooding, we can find courageous acts such as the Ukrainian president holding onto Kiev with his people, and supplies rushing in for the flood victims here. We know that in this world goodness still prevails.
Mr. Raymond Chow, Publisher