Living My Little Dream[1]

“Once you have traveled, the voyage never ends…The mind can never break off from the journey.”  – Pat Conroy

My journey of working as an actuary in global development started with the love of travel and a passion for the developing world. Slightly different from the typical actuary profile, I would often describe myself as a ‘risk-lover’. I love adventures and above all – I love travelling. I have previously had the valuable experience of living in Australia, France, Mexico, Hong Kong and West Africa! Late last year, through the network of Actuaries Without Borders® (AWB), I had the exciting occasion of working voluntarily with a senior actuary (also the Executive Director of AWB) with her own consulting business in Togo, West Africa. My actuarial skill-set was warmly welcomed and I cannot describe more the fulfillment and reward one receives working as an actuary in global development!

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The humble experience in Togo opened up new doors as an actuary to the boundless world of micro-insurance in managing risk for the underserved. Several months since, I was given the privilege of working as an Impact Insurance Fellow with the International Labour Organization (ILO), the oldest agency of the United Nations. This 2-years fellowship program provides me with the valuable opportunity of applying my actuarial expertise in developing insurance solutions for low-income markets and supporting innovation projects in Sub-Saharan Africa. My first mission given by the ILO was working as a data scientist in a global micro-insurance service provider, Micro Ensure based in the capital city of Kenya, Nairobi. What an honor it is to be able to use my actuarial technical expertise to serve the public well-being from Kenya!